Civics Mishmash
The Presidency & VP
The Cabinet
Roles of the President
Current Events
(100 pts)

This person served as Jimmy Carter's Sec. of Agriculture

Who is Bob Bergland?


These are the qualifications to be President

Who is 35 years old, Natural born citizen, 14 year resident? 


This dept. manages the armed forces

What is the Dept. of Defense


He orders troops into battle

Who is the Commander in Chief?


CNN10: Sandra Day O'Connor passed away recently. 

She was the first what?  

A. 1st female on the moon

B. 1st female Supreme Court Justice

C. 1st female Vice President

D. 1st female Congresswoman

1st female Supreme Court Justice


Name the Presidents that have been impeached

Andrew Johnson- violating the Tenure of Office Act

Bill Clinton - lied about having an affiar w/intern

Donald Trump (2) - abuse of power & incitement of insurrection


This is the amount of times a President has lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College

What is 5 times?


This dept. plans and carries out the nation's foreign policy

What is the Dept. of State?


He signs a bill, introduces ideas for bills during State of the Union Address

Who is the Legislative leader?


CNN10: Congress is struggling with funding for Israel and Ukraine because Republicans want to make sure we have funding for_____ first

A. our roads and bridges

B. our southern border 

C. a new Capitol

D. our schools

Our southern border


Qualifications to be in the US Senate:

Qualifications to be in the US House: 

US Senate: 30 years old, 9 year citizen, live in state

US House: 25 years old, 7 year citizen, live in district they represent


This is the only job the VP has as outlined by our Constitution

What is to preside over the Senate?


This dept. is responsible for all aspects of law enforcement

What is the Dept. of Justice?


He tries to be peacemaker with other countries and make treaties

Who is Chief diplomat?


This international group met in Dubai and made a historic climate pledge 

A. European Union

B. United Nations

C. World Health Organization

D. Red Cross

The United Nations


This is when we hold our general elections

What is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?


This is the most years a President can be in office

What is 10 years?


This dept. supervises trade, promotes US businesses & tourism 

What is the Dept. of Commerce?


He is the symbol of the USA

Who is the Head of State?


President Biden is making efforts to make sure _____ isn't spreading misinformation ahead of the 2024 election.

A. President Trump

B. Republicans

C. AI technology 

D. newspapers 

AI technology 


This is the Bill of Rights

What are the 

1. 5 freedoms- speech, press, assembly, petition, religion

2. right to own guns

3. no quartering soldiers

4. no unreasonable search & seizure, warrant

5. right to not self incriminate, double jeopardy

6. right to a speedy trial, right to a lawyer

7. jury trial in cases over $20

8. no cruel & unreasonable punishment

9. certain human rights not listed in the constitution can't be taken away

10. rights not listed given to states/people


This President was elected to 4 terms & this amendment mandated a 2 term limit

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?

What is the 22nd Amendment?


This dept. manages and protects nations public lands and natural resources

What is the Dept. of Interior?


He makes sure laws are being faithfully carried out

Who is the Chief Executive?


Which country voted to take over an oil-rich region in the neighboring country of Guyana?

A. Venezuela 

B. Chile

C. Argentina

D. Brazil
