
The study of body structures that can be seen with the eye is called ____.

a. anatomy           b. physiology

c. kinesiology        d. histology

What is anatomy


The scientifc study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structure is called _____.

a. neurology          b. anatomy

c. physiology         d. reflexology

what is physiology


The basic units of all living things are _____.

a. bacteria       b. cells

c. plasmas       d. hormones

what are cells 


The cells of all living organisms are made of a substance called ______.

a. protoplasm          b. neoplasm

c. ultraplasm           d. cytoplasm

what is protoplasm


____ is to raw egg white as ______ is to raw egg yolk.

a. protoplasm; nucleus

b. cell membrane; protoplasm

c. nucleus; cytoplasm

d. cytoplasm; cell membrane 

what is protoplasm; nucleus


What is the fluid of a cell that surounds the nucleus and is neccessary for growth and reproduction?

a. cell membrane     b. cerebrospinal fluid

c. mitosis                d. cytoplasm

what is cytoplasm


In living organisms, cell reproduction is called _____.

a. mitosis       b. catabolism

c. metabolism    d. aptosis

what is mitosis


A collection of similar cells that perform a function is called a(n)_____.

a. tissue    b. structure

c. organ    d. organism

What is tissue 


What is the tissue that binds together, protects, and supports various parts of the body?

a. nerve tissue        b. connective tissue

c. epithelial tissue    d. muscle tissue

what is connective tissue


Structures composed of specialized tissues that perform specific functions in plants and animals are called ____.

a. cells       b. hormones

c. organs     d. neurons

what is organs


The physical foundation of the body consisting of bones connected by joints is the ______.

a. nervous system       b. skeletal system

c. muscular system      d. endocrine system

what is skeletal system


How many bones are in the adult human body?

a. 186

b. 196

c. 206

d. 216

what is 206


The joint pain people complain about is often caused by _____.

a. inflammation of tissue surrounding the joint

b. damage to the joint itself

c. circulatory impairments

d. nervous system damage

what is inflammation of tissue surrounding the joint


The skull consist of the _____.

a.temporal and occipital bones

b. sphenoid and hyoid bones

c. vertebrae and discs

d. cranium and facial bones 

what are cranium and facial bones 


Another term for fat is _____ tissue.

a. nerve      b. muscle

c. epithelial   d. adipose

what is adipose


The facial skeleton has how many bones?

a. six          b. eight

c. twelve     d. fourteen

what is fourteen


The bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together is the _____.

a. ethmoid bone      b. parietal bone

c. malar bone          d. sphenoid bone 

what is sphenoid bone 


The cheekbones are also called the _____.

a. hyoid bones          b. lacrimal bones

c. ethmoid bones      d. zygomatic bones

what is zygomatic bones


The smaller bone of the forearm, on the same side as the thumb, is the ____.

a. hyoid          b. humerus

c. ulna            d. radius 

what is the radius


The heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee is called the _____.

a. femur         b. tibia

c. fibula          d. patella 

what is the femur


The ankle joint is composed of how many bones?

a. three        b. four

c. six            d. nine

what is three 


The middle part of the muscle is called the _____.

a. nucleus        b. belly 

c. insertion       d. origin

what is the belly


The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest from the skeleton is the _____.

a. ligament          b. tendon

c. insertion           d. origin

what is insertion


Pressure in massage is usually directed from the ____.

a. insertion to beginning

b. insertion to the origin

c. skeleton to origin

d. front to sides

what is insertion to the origin


To find the comb she dropped on the floor while working on her client Tyna lowered her head and turned her head away. What muscle was Tyna most likely using?

a. sternocleidomastoideus


c. masseter

d. aponeurosis

what is sternocleidomastoideus