Vocab & Philisophy
Vocab & Philosophy
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence pt. 2
Declaration of Independence pt. 3

The idea that a government's power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people is called what? 

Consent of the governed


Which European philosopher's ideas clearly influenced the phrase, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men . . . are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

John Locke


Which statement is true:

John Adams' petition was sent to King George to make peace with the colonies OR John Adams' petition to King George was sent because the colonies wanted independence.

John Adams' petition was sent to King George to make peace with the colonies


Signing the declaration was considered an act of __________.

Treason or an act of rebellion


According to the Jefferson, Locke, and the Declaration of Independence, what is the role (purpose) of the government?

To protect the natural rights of citizens


There was a list of these in the Declaration; it's really just another word for a complaint that someone wronged you!

A list of grievances

DOUBLE JEOPARDY! The idea that people agree to give up some freedoms in exchange for the protection of government is called what?

The social contract or compact


How did King George angrily respond to the colonists' final petition for peace?

Called them Rebellious Traitors


Finish this sentence by filling in the blanks: We hold these truths to be ______  _________: that ______

________ are created _______.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal


DOUBLE JEOPARDY! According to Thomas Jefferson and John Locke, the power to rule comes from ____________. 

The people (their consent)


Without the protection of rules and laws, people's natural rights would not be protected, and we would live in what state (condition)?

A state of nature


How do natural rights, as described in the Declaration of Independence, differ from other rights?

They are inalienable (people are BORN with them and they cannot be taken away!)

The Declaration states, "In every stage of these Oppressions, We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury." What was the last petition sent prior to the Declaration?

The Olive Branch Petition

the List of Grievances alluded to what Acts/Taxes?
Stamp Act

Townsend Acts

Quartering Act


If a government fails to protect people’s fundamental rights, what can the people do?

Alter or abolish it


DOUBLE JEOPARDY! A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation

Common Sense


The Declaration uses the words "alter" and "abolish."

What do those words mean?

Alter = change

Abolish = get rid of 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY! What did Paine’s arguments helped persuade colonists to do?

Call for Independence 


What made King George an "unfit leader?"

He denied colonists their rights/abused his power


Which of these describes the mood of most colonies immediately following the events at Lexington and Concord? A. They were reluctant to start a war OR B. They were eager to declare war against the British. OR C. They sided with the Loyalists against the Patriots. OR D. They wanted to move to Great Britain.

They were reluctant to start a war


The idea that humans are born with rights to life, liberty, and property is known as what theory?

Natural Rights theory


What is one important thing that governments do to protect the rights of people?

Create and enforce laws


What detail the "The End of Pain" cartoon clearly points to the man hanging as Thomas Paine?

"The End of Pain" "Common Sense" on the pole


Why was the Declaration of Independence written? (What was Jefferson tasked with writing?)

To explain to WHY the colonies are separating (becoming independent) from Great Britain.


What war was started as a result of the Declaration of Independence?

The American Revolution