People to remember
Places to remember
Events to remember
Things to remember

He was the first president.

Who was George Washington?


This city was the site of the Boston Massacre in 1770. 

What is Boston?


This event in 1773 involved colonists dumping tea into the harbor as a protest against the Tea Act.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This phrase expressed the colonists' frustration over taxation without representation.

What is "No taxation without representation"?


This man famously warned that the British were coming during the midnight ride.

Who was Paul Revere?


This harbor was the location of the tea party protest against British taxation.

What is Boston Harbor?


This clash between British soldiers and colonists in 1770 led to five deaths and heightened tensions.

What is the Boston Massacre?


The series of acts imposed by Britain included the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts, which angered colonists.

What are the British tax acts?


He was the first president of the Continental Congress and a prominent Patriot. 

Who was John Hancock?


The First Continental Congress met in this city in 1774.

What is Philadelphia?


This series of laws passed in 1774 were meant to punish the colonies after the Boston Tea Party. 

What are the Intolerable Acts?


This document, drafted by the Continental Congress, listed the colonies' grievances against the British crown.

What is the Declaration of Rights and Grievances?


This influential pamphleteer wrote "Common Sense," advocating for independence.

Who is Thomas Paine?


This site was where the first shots of the Revolution were fired in April 1775.

What is Lexington and Concord?


This gathering of delegates in 1774 aimed to address colonial grievances and organize resistance.

What is the First Continental Congress?


This rallying cry was associated with the desire for independence and revolution among the colonies.

What is "Give me liberty or give me death!"


This British king was the ruler during the American Revolution and faced colonial unrest. 

Who is King George III?


This winter encampment of the Continental Army from 1777 to 1778 was marked by severe hardships, including cold weather and supply shortages, but ultimately emerged as a turning point for the American forces.

What is Valley Forge?


This pivotal 1777 battle is often referred to as the turning point of the Revolutionary War, leading to France formally entering the conflict on the side of the Americans.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This group of ordinary citizens organized to fight against British forces and played a crucial role in battles throughout the Revolutionary War, often engaging in local defense and guerrilla tactics.

What is the militia?