Dot Structures
Chemical Bonds
Molecules vs. Compounds

What is a chemical bond?

The attractive force that holds atoms or ions together.


_______________ is a notation showing the valence electrons surrounding the atomic symbol.

(Provide the full name as well as an example to receive full points)

Lewis Dot Structure 


Why do bonds form?

Atoms join to form bonds so that each atom has a stable electron configuration. There are two types of chemical bonds: Ionic and Covalent.  


A ______________ is made up of at least 2 of the same elements.



List the 3 steps for my CFS (Criteria for Success) when writing formulas for Ionic Bonds. 

Criteria For Success (CFS):

  1. Write out 2 ions 

  2. Move Charges to Subscripts

  3. Simplify when needed


____________ is the arrangement of atoms in a substance.

Chemical Structure 


For the following elements, draw lewis dot structures and arrows to show the transfer of electrons:

Sodium + Chlorine

(HINT: Na is in Group 1 and Cl is in Group 7!!)


____________ is a bond formed by the attraction between positively charged metal ions and the electrons around them.

Metallic Bond


A ____________ is made up of at least 2 different elements.



Given the Ionic compound, Potassium Iodide, write the chemical formula.  



Define the term "bond length," and provide an example on the board. 

The average distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms.


For the following elements, draw lewis dot structures and arrows to show the transfer of electrons:

Potassium + Iodine

(HINT: K is in Group 1 and I is in Group 7!!)


Ionic, Covalent, or Metallic?


Ionic Compound

Na = Metal

Cl = Non-Metal


Name some similarities between the molecules of H2O and CO2. How are the molecules different?

CO2: Cannot measure bond angle, only bond length, has 2 O's and 1 C

H2O: Can measure bond angle AND bond length, 2 H's and 1 O

Both compounds are comprised of 3 atoms


Given the chemical formula BaO, name the Ionic compound. 

Barium Oxide 


____________ is the angle formed by two bonds to the same atom.

Bond Angle 


For the following elements, draw lewis dot structures and arrows to show the transfer of electrons:

Magnesium + Oxygen 

(HINT: Mg is in Group 2 and O is in Group 6!!)


Covalent Bond

(Electrons are shared between 2 Non-Metals)


Given the formula SiF6, name the Covalent Bond.

Silicon Hexafluoride 


Given the following ions and their charges, write the chemical formula.

[Al]^3+   [Cl]^-

(HINT: Use your criss-coss and simplify if needed!!)



Compare and contrast the ball and stick model with the space-filling model. List pros and cons of each on the board.

Space-filling model shows the space that an atom takes up or fills. In other words, it shows the relative size of atoms in a compound but not bond lengths. However, it does NOT show us bond angle or bond length like the ball and stick model does.

The ball and stick model shows us bond angle AND bond length, but NO relative size of atoms in the compound.


For the following elements, draw lewis dot structures and arrows to show the transfer of electrons:

Magnesium and Fluorine 

(HINT: Mg is in Group 2 and F is in Group 7!!)


Construct a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts Ionic and Covalent Bonds. In order to receive full points, you must include what happens with the electrons, what the bond occurs between, the strength of the bond, and how that bond strength will affect the melting point of the compound.

Ionic: Occurs b/w a Metal & Non-Metal, electrons are transferred, bond is weak, therefore the melting point is low

Covalent: Occurs b/w 2 Non-metals, electrons are shared, bond takes a LOT of energy to make so it is very strong, therefore the melting point is high


Write the Covalent Bond formula for: Triphosphorus Heptasulfide



Given the following ions and their charges, write the chemical formula.

[Ca]^2+   [O]^2-

(HINT: Use your criss-coss and simplify if needed!!)

Ca2O2 = CaO