7.2 Indefinite Nouns 1
7.2 Indefinite Nouns 2
7.3 titles and geography 1
7.3 titles and geography 2

add a, an, the, some or nothing

There is __________ banana in my lunchbox.

There is a banana in my lunchbox.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

 I got ______ new job. _______ job is in a restaurant.

 I got a new job. The job is in a restaurant.

  • I want to go fishing on ____________ Kansas River.

a, an, the, nothing

  • I want to go fishing on the Kansas River.


Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

 __________ Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

  Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.



add a, an, the, some or nothing

There is __________ fruit in my lunchbox.

There is  fruit in my lunchbox.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

 _________ English is a difficult language. _____ Spanish is also difficult.

 English is a difficult language.  Spanish is also difficult.


Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

_______ Lake Superior is one of the biggest lakes in the world.

_______ Lake Superior is one of the biggest lakes in the world.



Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

 ____________ Maui is a part of ___________ Hawaiian Islands.

 Maui is a part of THE Hawaiian Islands.



add a, an, the, some or nothing

There are __________ two bananas in my lunchbox.

There are two bananas in my lunchbox.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

I want to learn __________ second language. _________ language I want to learn is Korean.

I want to learn a second language. The language I want to learn is Korean.


Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

 I currently live in _____________ United States.

a an the nothing

 I currently live in ____the__ United States.



Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

I have an appointment with ___________ Doctor Smith.

I have an appointment with Doctor Smith.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

 I ate a banana for breakfast. _________ banana was delicious.

 I ate a banana for breakfast. The banana was delicious.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

__________ students are people who go to school. __________ teachers are people who teach students.

 students are people who go to school.  teachers are people who teach students.


Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

Next year, I will live in ___________ Mexico.

Next year, I will live in ___________ Mexico.



Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

 In the future _______ Mr. Dan will be ________ president of ______ United States.

 In the future Mr. Dan will be the president of the United States.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

 I have to do _______ homework. __________ homework is for grammar class.

 I have to do homework. The homework is for grammar class.


add a, an, the, some or nothing

Listening to ______ music helps me relax. ______ music I like best is country music.

Listening to music helps me relax. The music I like best is country music.


Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

Next year, I want to go to ________ Colorado and visit __________ Rocky Mountains.

Next year, I want to go to ________ Colorado and visit ___THE___ Rocky Mountains.



Add ‘the’ or nothing to the blanks.

I will travel to ________Africa and visit ___________ Sahara Desert.

I will travel to Africa and visit the Sahara Desert.