Spanish/American War
Panama Canal
Island Colonies
Foreign Policy

Which territories did the US gain in the Caribbean as a result of winning the Spanish/American War?

A. The Philippines and Guam.

B. Puerto Rico and Cuba.

C. Cuba and the Philippines.

D. None of the above.

B. Puerto Rico and Cuba.


What were the names of the two doctors that helped spread the diseases like yellow fever and malaria?

Dr. Walter Reed & Dr. William Gorgas


Which island territory was considered to be a "stepping-stone" for trade with China?

The Philippines


What was the name of Alfred Thayer Mahan's book that impacted U.S. foreign policy by advocating for Imperialism?

A. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

B. The Wealth of Nations

C. Green Eggs and Ham

D. None of the above.

A. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History


What is the name of the Era we studied in this chapter?

A. World Power Era

B. Gilded Age

C. Progressive Era

D. Civil Rights Era

A. World Power Era


Which territories did the US gain in the Pacific as result of winning the Spanish American war?

A. The Philippines and Guam.

B. Puerto Rico and Cuba.

C. Cuba and the Philippines.

D. None of the above.

A. The Philippines and Guam.


What system did engineers working on the Panama Canal create to help ships pass through the different landforms and elevations?

6 lock system


Which island was considered a "protectorate" of the United States?

A. Guam

B. Cuba

C. Puerto Rico

D. Hawaii

B. Cuba


The Roosevelt Corollary was added to which 1823 document?

A. Wealth of Nations

B. Laissez-faire America

C. Northwest Ordinance

D. Monroe Doctrine

D. Monroe Doctrine


Which U.S. President is associated with the concept of the U.S. acting as an "international police force"?

A. George W. Bush

B. Woodrow Wilson

C. William McKinley

D. Teddy Roosevelt

D. Teddy Roosevelt


What was one of the reasons the United States went to war with Spain in 1898.

A. Muckraking

B. The sinking of the USS Maine.

C. Yellow Journalism

D. B and C

D. B and C


What economic benefit did President Theodore Roosevelt hope to gain by supporting the independence of Panama from Colombia in 1903?

A. A coalition could be created that would increase the success of diplomacy.

B. A resort could be developed that would increase the amount of tourism.

C. A deal could be made that would increase the import of livestock.

D. A canal could be built that would increase the speed of trade.

D. A canal could be built that would increase the speed of trade.


Which of the following statements about Puerto Rico is correct?

A. Signed an annexation treaty with the United States after World War I.

B. Was promised U.S. military protection as part of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

C. Became a state during the U.S. Reconstruction Era.

D. Was ceded to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War.

D. Was ceded to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War.


President William Howard Taft contributed to the expansion of U.S. influence in the world by...

A. Advocating high tariff rates with Latin American countries.

B. Protecting U.S. trade with other nations.

C. Supporting private investment overseas by U.S. businesses.

D. Encouraging annexation of Hawaii.

C. Supporting private investment overseas by U.S. businesses.


The Spanish-American War, building of the Panama Canal, and Alfred Thayer Mahan are events and people generally associated with which of the following concepts?

A. Imperialism

B. Isolationism

C. Immigration

D. World War 1

A. Imperialism


The end of the Spanish-American War in 1898 placed the United States in the position of being a world power by...

A. Destroying the Spanish military.

B. Enforcing the Monroe Doctrine.

C. Gaining territories around the world.

D. Organizing a governing body

C. Gaining territories around the world.


As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States saw the need to build the Panama Canal because...

A. U.S. railroads could not transport enough goods.

B. The U.S. navy could then move more quickly between oceans.

C. Spanish opposition to the Canal had ended.

D. New colonies had been acquired in Africa.

B. The U.S. navy could then move more quickly between oceans.


Which U.S. acquisition INCREASED the military might of the U.S. by providing a strategic naval base?

A. Hawaii

B. Cuba

C. Guam

D. Philippines

A. Hawaii


The issue of foreign trading rights, which was addressed by the Open Door Policy, led to the...

A. Spanish-American War.

B. Russian Revolution.

C. Russo-Japanese War.

D. Boxer Rebellion.

D. Boxer Rebellion.


Alfred Thayer Mahan’s books influenced U.S. efforts to become a world power primarily by...

A. Emphasizing the need for protectionist tariffs.

B. Demonstrating the political risks of foreign trade.

C. Advocating overseas expansion.

D. Arguing against forming overseas alliances.

C. Advocating overseas expansion.


Which statement describes the economic effects of the Spanish-American War on the United States?

A. The loss of the Panama Canal meant expensive shipping costs.

B. Free trade with Spanish increased government revenue.

C. Women were more highly regarded as workers.

D. The acquisition of territory meant more resources and trade routes.

D. The acquisition of territory meant more resources and trade routes.


What was one of the main effects of the completion of the Panama Canal?

A. Western U.S. businesses traded more efficiently with the East Coast and Europe.

B. Immigration from Europe to western U.S. cities increased rapidly.

C. Asian businesses bypassed traded more efficiently with the East Coast and Europe.

D. Western states recruited guest workers from the Caribbean and South America

A. Western U.S. businesses traded more efficiently with the East Coast and Europe.


Which of the following was a result of the

attempt to annex Hawaii?

A. A war between sugar producers and white planters in Hawaii.

B. An attempt by Queen Liliuokalani to demand statehood for Hawaii.

C. An overwhelming vote from the Hawaiians to join the United States.

D. A debate between imperialists and anti-imperialists in America

D. A debate between imperialists and anti-imperialists in America


President Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy was closely associated with...

A. Friendly relations with China after the Boxer Rebellion

B. Intervention in the affairs of Latin American nations.

C. Court actions to oppose business monopolies.

D. The conservation of natural resources.

B. Intervention in the affairs of Latin American nations.


Woodrow Wilson sent Gen. John J. Pershing to apprehend which historical figure?

A. John Dillinger

B. Pancho Villa

C. Queen Liliuokalani

D. Al Capone

B. Pancho Villa