short answer
during the 6th century BCE Etruscans favored monumental sarcophagi that contianed which of the following? A-bones of the deceased B-Bones of the entire family C- ashes of the deceased
What is C- ashes of the deceased
the column used on Etruscan temples is similar to which type of Greek temple? A- Doric B-Ionic C-Corinthian
What is B- Ionic
The Etruscans preferred which material for sculpture? A- marble B-gold C-limestone
What is C- limestone
What is tufa? and what effect did it have on the construction of Etruscan tombs?
What is it is dark limestone. It was used to construct furniture, beams, and other items in the tumulus
The Etruscans shared a common linguistic heritage and religious beliefs, but they lacked which of the following? A- political cohesion B-being ruled by a king C- a strong navy for defense
What is C- a strong navy for defense
A typical tomb form found on Cerveteri is which of the following? a- masusoleum B- tumulus C-tomb-shrine
What is B-tumulus
Temple sculpture is primarily found on which of the following elements? A-peaks of the temple roof B- double niches on the porche C-on in the niches in the cella
What is A- peaks of the temple roof
Etruscan artisans excelled at which of the following? A- intarsia B-marble sculpture C- metalsmithing
What is C- metalsmithing
What kinds of objects have been found in Etruscan tombs?
What is Greek vases, tufa beds, chairs, tables, mirrors, relief sculptures
In Etruscan culture, which of the following symbolized regeneration? A- birds B-wine C-eggs
What is C-eggs
The banquet setting seen in the Tomb of the Leopards takes place in which of the following settings? A- a palace dining room B-a private house C- The council chambers of the king
What is A- a palace dining room
Most sculptures were made to decorate which part of the Etruscan temple? A- pediment B- sides C-roof
What is C- roof
What is granulation and how is it used?
What is tiny grains of metal fused onto a metal background in the making of jewelry
The independant spirit and relative freedo of Etruscan women horrified which of the following? A- Grecco-roman male authors B- Egyptian male authors C- Trojan male authors
What is A- Grecco-Roman male authors
How were Etruscan cementaries arranged? A- around a central pyramid B- in a haphazard manner C- in an orderly manner
What is A- around a central pyramid
The Etruscans preferred which building material for their temples? A- marble B-limestone C- wood and mudbrick
What is C- wood and mudbrick
The chimera is: A- a composite creature B- a death demon C- a mythological being
What is A- a composite creature
Describe Etruscan necropoli and their location
What is They were cities of the dead located outside the city. Tumulis were built over subterranean burials, and resembled houses of the living.
The Etruscan civilization was defeated by the: A- Italians B-Romans C-Egyptians
What is B- Romans
How did Etruscans typically bury their dead? A- on high mountaintops B- in columbaria within the city limits C- in subterranean rooms
What is C- subterranean rooms
The Tomb of the Leopard is meant to portray: A- a mornful tone B- a joyous tone C- the strength of the Etruscan people
What is B- a joyful tone
What does the Carolinian Wolf depict? A- The battle of Zeus and Apullu B- The myth of Remus and Romulus C- Merina's defeat over the Romans
What is B- the myth of Remus and Romulus
In depicting human figures, what forms and style did Etruscan sculptors favor?
What is a relaxed, gregarious style, in which the figures express emotion. There is no frontal or formal pose. The most attention was paid to the upper body and face, much less to areas below the waist
What impact did the mining of silver, gold, and bronze have on Etruscan society?
What is It made them extremely prosperious and lead them to take to the seas for trading and commerace.