Religious Orders and their Founders
Assorted Persons
Important Terms/Documents/Events
The Reformers
The Council of Trent
Missions and Missionaries
The Crusades

This person founded the "Society of Jesus," a group that wished to be soldiers for Christ. They took a vow of obedience to the Pope so he could send them wherever they were needed most.

Who is St. Ignatius of Loyola?


This person was the greatest scholastic philosopher and theologian of the High Middle Ages. He integrated Aristotle's philosophical thought with Divine Revelation.

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?


This was a European cultural movement beginning around 1350 which sought to restore and imitate the cultural and intellectual achievements of the ancient Greco-Roman world.

What is the Renaissance?


Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses in this year.

What is 1517?


In what year did the first sessions of the Council of Trent occur, and who called these sessions?

When is 1545, and who is Pope Paul III?


Name at the two main North American martyrs.

Who are Sts. Isaac Jogues and John de Brebeuf?


Name at least one of the initial motivations for calling the Crusades.

--- Western Christians were concerned for the well-being of the Eastern brethren

--- The Byzantine Emperor and the Pope both hoped that Western military aid to the East could help heal the Great Schism


This person founded the "Order of Friars Minor," a group that emphasizes Gospel simplicity and poverty. They are especially concerned with preaching and caring for the poor and marginalized.

Who is St. Francis of Assisi?


This Renaissance artist and architect designed and oversaw the building of St. Peter's Basilica, made the statue "David," and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Who is Michelangelo?


Explain how the Medieval universities developed.

"Masters" (i.e., teachers) within specific disciplines grouped themselves into guilds, and guilds from various disciplines came together in corporations to form universities, where students could come to study a variety of disciplines in one place.


This reformer had been named a "Defender of the Faith" by the Pope for his work titled In Defense of the Seven Sacraments.

Who is King Henry VIII?


What did the Council of Trent teach in response to Sola Scriptura?

Sacred Scripture (the Bible) and Sacred Tradition (the Popes and Church Councils) are authoritative sources for Christian doctrine.


This person was a founding member of the Society of Jesus and a pioneer of evangelizing. He went to India, Sri Lanka, the Spice Islands, and Japan.

Who is St. Francis Xavier?


Who called for the First Crusade, and in what year?

Who is Pope Urban II, and when is 1095?


This person founded the "Order of Preachers" with the original purpose of eliminating the Albigensian heresy. They emphasize apostolic poverty and the study of theology - they produced some of the greatest intellectuals of the High Middle Ages.

Who is St. Dominic de Guzman?


Name one legitimate criticism that Martin Luther had.

--- The selling of indulgences

--- Moral corruption among the clergy

--- Abuse of benefices, etc.


This term refers to the mood and intellectual climate beginning in the 14th century which is focused on the richness of the human spirit and on human experience.

What is humanism?


Which reformer(s) rejected all of the sacraments and taught that Baptism and the Eucharist are merely symbolic?

Who are John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli?


How did the Council of Trent respond to sola fide?

It declared that we are initially justified (i.e., our proper relationship with God is restored) through the gift of faith, but once we have faith we must "work out our salvation" with the help of grace - good works are necessary and do contribute to our salvation.


This saint was born in Lima, Peru and used his training as a barber/surgeon to care for the sick and suffering in a Dominican convent.

Who is St. Martin de Porres?


By this year, Muslims controlled the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Spain, the entire Middle East (all the way to the Indus River in India) and the Holy Land. (Must be within 50 years)

When is AD 750?


The Franciscans and Dominicans are known as the ___________ _________ (from the Latin word meaning "to beg") because they live entirely off of alms.

What are the Mendicant Orders?


This Renaissance humanist wrote Utopia. He was also Lord Chancellor of England during the English Reformation, and he was beheaded for refusing to accept the Act of Supremacy.

Who is St. Thomas More?


The English Parliament passed the ____________________ in 1533, which made the King the Head of the Church in England.

What is the Act of Supremacy?


Summarize Martin Luther's teaching of Sola Scriptura.

 The Bible is the only authoritative source for Christian doctrine. Tradition (Popes and Church Councils) has no special authority.


How did the Council of Trent respond to Sola Gratia?

The Council declared that human nature is wounded by Original Sin, but we still have free will and the ability to cooperate with or reject God's grace.

This missionary was the first to set up a permanent residence in China. He adopted the dress of a Mandarin scholar and was a well-respected scientist.

Who is Matteo Ricci?


Name at least two negative outcomes of the crusades.

--- The "Children's Crusade" resulted in thousands of children being enslaved and/or dying

--- The sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade ruined all hope of reunion between Eastern and Western Christianity for a long time

--- The Byzantine Empire was weakened, partly due to the sack of Constantinople, and indirectly led to its fall to the Turks in 1453


This person was a Reformation-era mystic and founded a reformed contemplative order that focuses on mental prayer (meditation).

Who is St. Teresa of Avila?


This person became the Archbishop of Milan after the Council of Trent and worked to implement the Tridentine reforms within that diocese. His reform measures were published in Acts of the Church of Milan and became a pattern for reform.

Who is St. Charles Borromeo?


This term refers to the "science of the schools" that developed out of a teaching method used in the Medieval universities which involved trying to find some underlying agreement between apparently contradictory propositions using logic.

What is Scholasticism?


Summarize Martin Luther's teaching of sola fide.

We are justified and saved through faith alone - good works do not contribute to our salvation.


Other than sola scriptura, sola fide, and sola gratia, name at least two issues that the Council of Trent addressed.

--- The creation of the Roman Catechism

--- The proper understanding of Indulgences

--- Each of the Seven Sacraments

--- The reform of the clergy and the creation of seminaries


This missionary succeeded in converting Brahmans (the ruling, priestly class) in India by adopting their clothing, customs, and ascetic practices and studying the Hindu sacred texts in their original language.

Who is Robert de Nobili?


Name at least two positive outcomes of the Crusades.

--- The crusaders brought back scientific, mathematical, and philosophical achievements from the Byzantine and Muslim world, which enriched Western culture

--- They opened up the East for Western Europe, which subsequently influenced European exploration and missionary activity

--- The establishment of the Latin crusader kingdom in the Holy Land held back Muslim expansion for around 200 years


This person was a follower of St. Francis of Assisi and founded a women's Order known as the Poor Clares.

Who is St. Clare of Assisi?


This person was one of the greatest Renaissance thinkers in Europe and was an early supporter of Martin Luther, until Luther broke from the Church.

Who is Erasmus of Rotterdam?


England's Queen Elizabeth I worked out the ____________________, which retained the Catholic way of organizing the Church as well as the Catholic vestments and ceremonies, but reimposed the Oath of Royal Supremacy and designed prayer and worship along Protestant lines.

What is the Anglican Compromise?


Summarize Martin Luther's teaching of sola gratia.

Because of Original Sin, we cannot do anything good unless God directly wills it. We cannot even cooperate with grace - it is grace alone by which we do good things.


This person converted to Catholicism at the age of 19 and is the patron saint of ecology and the environment, Native Americans, and people in exile. He/she also took a vow of chastity.

Who is St. Kateri Tekakwitha?


The Crusades were originally called as an organized military defense of Christians in the Holy Land and of what empire? Which group of Muslims was persecuting Christians in the Holy Land?

What is the Byzantine Empire, and who are the Seljuk Turks?


This person started the "Oratorians," which was a congregation of diocesan priests who gathered together to pray, study, and hold spiritual conferences aimed at renewal and training for parish priests.

Who is St. Philip Neri?


This person worked to implement the reforms decreed by the Council of Trent, and he also organized a naval fleet to fight against the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto.

Who is Pope St. Pius V.


Briefly summarize the dissolution of the monasteries.

During the English reformation, Thomas Cromwell led the confiscation, looting, and destruction of all of the monasteries in England. This displaced thousands of religious in England and destroyed a deep-seated part of English culture.


Which reformer(s) taught that only Baptism and the Eucharist are true sacraments?

Who is Martin Luther?


King Henry VIII passed these in order to preserve the Catholic teachings of transubstantiation, priestly celibacy, and the Sacrament of Penance, among other Catholic beliefs, within the Church of England.

What are the Six Articles?


Name and describe the event that contributed to 9 million indigenous Mexicans receiving baptism over the course of 10 years in the 16th century.

What is "Our Lady of Guadalupe?"