Definitions Ch.1
Fields of Social Psych
Definitions Ch.2
Research Basics
Real World Examples

The scientific study of how individuals think, feel, and behave when in the real, implied, or imagined presence of others is called ____ psychology.



Social psychologists typically:

A. focus their studies on socioeconomic class and race.

B. use the scientific method in their research.

C. view behavior in the same ways as sociologists.

B. use the scientific method in their research.


What is the definition of hypothesis?

An explicit, testable prediction about the conditions under which an event will occur


The purpose of using control groups is to: 

A. address ethical concerns about experiments.

B. determine if there are any interactions among the independent variables.

C. ensure a high level of experimental realism

D. provide a baseline against which to compare the effects of the independent variables.

D. provide a baseline against which to compare the effects of the independent variables.


In a study concerning the cues that signal deception, Winston uses the number of times a person shifts in his or her seat as a measure of lying. Virginia points out that people may shift their position because they are nervous about being perceived as a liar, even though they are actually telling the truth. Virginia is questioning the ____ of Winston’s measure of lying.

Construct Validity 

"is it measuring what we think it is?" 


Sociologists tend to study behavior at the ____ level, whereas social psychologists study behavior at the ____ level.

group; individual


Although related to other fields, social psychology is distinct in its emphasis on... 

A. using scientific method of systematic observation.

B. classifying and treating psychological disorders.

C. identifying individual characteristics that are relatively stable across time.

A. using scientific method of systematic observation.


An accomplice of the experimenter who, in dealing with the real participants in an experiment, acts as if he or she is also a participant, is called a(n)



The disclosure made to participants after research procedures are completed, in which the researcher explains the purpose of the research, is called...



When interrogating a woman in a string of neighborhood thefts, Detective Morse tells her suspect the following: “I am asking you these questions and I’d advise you to answer honestly. When we are done chatting, you are going to have to answer them again when attached to a lie-detector.” In this investigation, Detective Morse uses the ____ technique.

Bogus Pipeline 


According to the interactionist perspective, behavior is a result of the interaction between... 

personality and environmental characteristics.


Social neuroscience is best described as the study of the... 

A. interaction of social and neural processes.

B. social functioning of neurons.

C. evolution of the brain.

A. interaction of social and neural processes.


External validity is defined as the degree to which...

there can be reasonable confidence that the same results would be obtained for other people and in other situations.


A confound is a serious threat to ____ validity in a social psychological study.

A. external

B. construct

C. internal

C. internal


Rhianna is participating in a study on social contacts and subjective well-being. After each social interaction that is longer than 5 minutes in duration, Rhianna logs into a site and responds to a series of questions about how she is feeling. The researcher is using ____ self-report in this study.

Event Based 

(i.e. after an event they are prompted to do the survey) 


The “hot” perspective in social psychology emphasizes ____, whereas the “cold” perspective emphasizes ____.

emotion and motivation; cognition


Which of the following subfields of psychology examines the relationship between genes and behavior?

Behavioral Genetics 


The degree to which the experimental situation resembles places and events in the real world is called ____ realism.



An individual’s deliberate, voluntary decision to participate in research, based on the researcher’s description of what will be required during such participation, is called... 

informed consent 


Camryn uses a survey to measure the association between students’ grade point average and weekly consumption of alcohol. She finds that higher GPAs tend to be associated with lower levels of alcohol consumption (and vice versa). This study is best described as a(n)

Correlational Study 


An interdisciplinary subfield that focuses on how social and cognitive psychology relate to economic decision making is called

Behavioral Economics 


The role of natural selection processes in the development of social behavior is a primary concern in

Evolutionary Psychology


In an experiment, the independent variable is ____ while the dependent variable is ____.

A. general; specific

B. correlational; descriptive

C. held constant; varied

D. manipulated; measured

D. manipulated; measured


If the results of an experiment could have occurred by chance only five or fewer times in 100 possible outcomes, they are considered: 

A. to have an interaction between the dependent variables.

B. theoretically meaningful.

C. null because of their low level of reliability.

D. statistically significant.

D. statistically significant.


Buster runs an experiment in which she finds that participants placed in a good mood by a happy film clip are more likely to offer help to a fellow participant than participants who see a sad film clip. Bob suggests that perhaps this difference simply results from the fact that the participants in the happy film clip condition were more helpful people to begin with. What methodological aspect of a successful experiment can Buster point to in order to refute this criticism?

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