Mass is not a…
What is competition?
Peter left behind…
What are successors? (Bishops)
Jesus taught that he is the living bread during…
What is the feeding of the five-thousand?
The New Temple is…
Jesus lived a ____ life.
What is a normal life?
The Mass is often compared to this ceremony, between a man and woman.
What is a wedding?
Jesus appointed this apostle as the first pope. He was also his best friend.
Jesus showed the institution of the Eucharist during…
What is the Last Supper?
God fulfilled His covenant with Adam through…
What is the Protoevangelium?
The Gospels kept Jesus‘ life hidden until he is…
What is 30 years old?
This is the most important part of the Mass, where bread and wine become the literal Body and Blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
Bishops are entrusted with protecting, preserving, and honoring this sacred act of worship.
What is the mass?
The first time explaining why God lets evil things happen.
What is the Parable of the Wheat and Leaves?
The Kingdom of Israel that God promised David is still alive through…
What is the Church?
We recognize Christ’s presence at the…
What is the breaking of the bread?
During the Mass, this happens.
What is time stopping?
Bishops are tasked with three things:
What is preaching repentance, forgiveness of sins, safeguard the liturgy.
Jesus showed that the Eucharist is not just a symbol at the…
The mass is a proclamation of…
Who is God?
The Parable that taught that the Church would start small but would grow and sanctify the world.
What is the parable of the Mustard Seed?