Country: Rizz-Fire-Drip
Population: 10
Area: 10 Sq Miles
Arable Land: 1 Sq Mile
Calculate Arithmetic Population Density
1 person per square mile
land that can be farmed
Arable Land
Japan is a nation that is comprised of many..
In cities in Japan, how do people get around town due to high population density?
Brooks thinks we should have students do this at school.
Clean up the school.
Country: GenAlpha-or Genz-I can't Remember what 6th graders are now.
Population: 10
Area: 10 Sq Miles
Arable Land: 1 Sq Mile
Calculate Physiologic Population Density
10 people per square mile.
An area that has a large population living on a small amount of land is ________ populated
This physical feature makes up the majority of Japan's land.
Due to high population density and limited arable land, how does Japan adapt its agriculture?
Terrace Farming
This is Brooks' dream job. You can get your workout in at your job.
Subway pusher.
Country: Millenial Cringe
Area: 5 Sq Miles
Arable Area: 1 Sq Miles
Calculate Physiologic Population Density
50 people per Sq Mile
Population divided by total land mass
Arithmetic population density
The majority of Japan's population live where ( multiple acceptable answers)
Lowlands, the coast, cities
How does Japan's life expectancy compare globally?
It is among the highest in the world.
True or false. Japan still has an emperor?
Country: Skibidi Ohio
Population: 250
Area: 50 Sq Miles
Arable Area: 10 Sq Miles
Calculate the Arithmetic and Physiological population density
Arithmetic Pop Density: 5 people per Sq Mile
Physiological Pop Density: 25 people per Sq Mile
Population divided by arable land.
Physiologic population density.
Japan is located on 4 _______, which puts them at higher risk for earthquakes.
Tectonic plates
The average home in Japan tends to be much smaller than the average home in the USA. Why is that?
the limited amount of land for building.
This religion originates in Japan.
Population: 1000
Area:500 Sq Miles
Arable Area: 10 Sq Miles
Calculate the Arithmetic and Physiological Density
Arithmetic: 2 people per sq mile
Physiological: 100 people per sq mile.
A measure of the amount of money earned per person in a nation or geographic region
Income per capita.
What is natural disaster that Japan is high at risk for due to its location?
Though Tokyo is the largest city in the world, it is also considered one of the cleanest. What can explain why that is?
There are multiple right answers.
Social pressure to clean up after yourself.
People take their trash home when they cannot find a trash can.
Silver Jinzai
Businesses organize clean up
What is the name of the host of CNN10
Coy Wire