muscles work repeatedly
muscle endurance
The length to work out each day.
Give an example of an incomplete protein
plant sources:beans
What is a serving size of grain and give an example
This eating disorder erodes the tooth enamel
move joints easily through a full range of motion
The kind of exercise you do
This is a complex carbohydrate that can not break down.
3 ounces of meat is the size of?
deck of cards
This eating disorder causes periods to stop
muscles can exert force
muscle strength
What is the frequency to which you should work out?
3-5 days
This fat is solid at room temperature
Too much of this can lead to high blood pressure.
To lose weight I should do what?
eat 250 less and exercise 250 more
This is rhythmic exercise using large amounts of oxygen
The amount of energy used
This mineral makes red blood cells.
This is a high amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories
nutrient dense
This eating disorder causes weight gain
The proportion of fat, bone, muscle, and fluid that make up your weight
body composition
What kind of exercise should you start with then end with?
start aerobic end with anaerobic
A fat hydrogen is added to vegetable oil during the making process
trans fatty acid
One serving of a nutrient contributes to the 2000 calorie diet
percentage daily value
What 2 things happen to someone who is under weight
grow slower and less energy