Brief Review. What was the relationship between the Prophet and Abu Talib. Describe it with examples.
It was a very close relationship especially after the Prophet’s parents had both passed away. Abu Talib had taken him in, took good care of him, and most importantly protected him from the wrath of the Quraysh.
Who was Bilal’s former owner and what tribe was he a chief of?
Ummayyah, he was the chief of the Bani Jumah tribe.
During the time of the Prophet who had the most power within a tribe?
The elders.
Where did the Prophet decide to go to get away from all the problems?
He went to Ta’if
Who were the 3 closest people to the Prophet?
His mom, his dad although he’d never met him, and Abu Talib.
The Prophet endured the gossip and continued and taught…
He taught the fundamentals like hygiene, how to curb away sin, how to gain confidence and learn from the older Prophet’s strories.
How did Khadijah pass away and mainly because of what? (Hint: Cotton)
The BoyCOTT had done its thing. The deprivation from the boycott had affected her health and she suffered from an illness and didn’t recover from it.
What did Ummayah do to Abu Bakr?
Ummayah harassed Abu Bakr. Because Abu Bakr had lost his protection from his tribe he wanted to migrate to Abyssinia.
What was the result of the incident that happened to Abu Bakr?
The incident in which they tied him up and couldn’t help him because of the clan loyalty system. As a result of this incident, the clan loyalty system began to loosen up and become less strict because people were starting to take severe advantage.
For every _____ that accepted Islam a Muslim was killed, persecuted, or forced underground or into exile.