Ch 6
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 7

Teacher facilitated discussion with the intent to teach students about the art of conversation with the goal of students holding discussions themselves.

What is Guiding Discussion and Student Conversation


____ caused a great advancement in response possibilities. An example would be ____ 


videos, music, ect. 





a voice that the student hears while reading that experiences all the emotions and forms connections in the text

What is the "Inner Conversation"


A strategy of reading that students annotate the text they are reading to show connections and evidence of understanding and thinking while reading the text. Discussing and annotating new learning in the text.

What is Read, Talk, and Jot?


Sharing Our Own Literate Lives

Allowing students to get to know the way you live literate lives day today by sharing your experiences.


Name the 5 written responses listed in this chapter

Annotations, Short constructed Responses, Response Journals, Creating and Making, Artistic/Dramatic/Musical Responses


A strategy to model the inner voice by using sticky notes. Mark points in the story that stood out to the reader, formed connections, or a question the reader had while reading the text aloud. Release responsibility by asking students to turn and talk to their neighbor about noted parts of the story. Then finish story having students fill out sticky notes on their own to bring to a discussion with a small group.

What is an Interactive Read Aloud


The constant opportunity to seek out what we have taught with changes specific to our students.

ex:For less developed readers they can draw a picture or write a code. Developed readers that cannot write are still given the opportunity to discuss, and ESOL students are able to say more than they can write sometimes

What is differentiation?


What are the different types of anchor charts

Strategy charts, content charts, genre charts, response charts


Name the 8 Oral Response options listed in the chapter

Turn and talk, Paired reading, Think pair share, Small informal discussion groups, Jigsaw Discussion, Book Clubs and Literature Circles, Informational Study groups, and Inquiry circles


A type of breakdown a student has while reading where they must focus and read words more carefully in order to get back on track. 

What is "not enough background knowledge?"


There is less comprehension and connection with this form of reading. Typically, a reading tool or organizer is used when reading this way to keep students focused and engaged despite the distractions. 

What is Reading Digital Text?


This is the breakdown a student is experiencing and their solution is to choose another text if possible, or speak to a student interested in the book.

What is "boring/bored"


1.) Teacher models her own thinking and strategies for interacting with text through reading aloud. Students participate through a variety of activities initiated by the teacher such as turn and talk or jot.

2.) Name at least 3 reasons for re-reading

1.)What is Interactive Reading Aloud

2.)Clarification, addressing questions, confirm evidence, deepen understanding, and notice style 

*Increases student's love, learning, and comprehension of text*


Describe a little bit about: Annotations, Short Constructed Responses, Response Journals, Creating and Making, and Artistic/ Dramatic/Musical Responses

  • Annotations- annotations used both written and digital to capture thinking while reading

  • Short Constructed Responses- ex. Quick-writes, blogs

  • Response Journals- longer writings lit logs and notebooks

  • Creating and Making- real-world, hands-on, experiencing through learning

  • Artistic, Dramatic, Musical Responses-meaningful responses such as giant posters, murals, reflection videos


A reading strategy where students explore what the text made them think...inferences, their reactions, how they felt and connections they made. Students write down their thinking to develop and expand in conversation

What is Noticing and Exploring Thinking?


When reading, it is common that the students will read something that sparks a connection that leads to a distracting conversation instead of understanding what they’re reading. As teachers it is imperative that talk about where focus was lost & how to regain focus. Model in front of students when reading a text when you have break down & release this responsibility to students.

What is Noticing When We Stray from the Conversation?


We want students to be ______ with reading for better comprehension and to develop new insights.

What is strategic?


1.) Why would a teacher use the Thinking Aloud strategy

2.) What are some tips for Annotation? Define text codes and what was your thoughts on them?

1.) To reveal the layers of our thinking to students, show kids how we approach text, and make visible how understanding happens in a variety of reading contexts.


-Students should be up close for this activity with a clipboard 

-In the lessons you stop and demonstrate annotating and invite them to do the same

-Annotation is to stop briefly to write or draw ideas about the text

-It gives readers something to hold on to 

-You can use a variety of text codes- a code for annotation ex. ? for question


Describe Turn and Talk, Paired Reading, Think Pair Share, Small informal discussion groups, Jigsaw, Book Clubs, Informational Study groups, and Inquiry circles

  • Turn and Talk- All kids get to participate in conversation and construct meaning

  • Paired Reading- Paired for a variety of reasons, listening is important

  • Think Pair Share- Teacher models a strategy, pairs go back and work through text, and respond together

  • Small informal discussion groups- 3-5 kids discuss and reason through text together

  • Jigsaw Discussion- Ensure that each article brings a different perspective and/or information

  • Book Clubs and Literature Circles- students read the same text and meet to discuss and respond in authentic conversation

  • Informational study groups- students work together to build knowledge about a common topic

  • Inquiry circles- small groups of students work together to investigate questions 


Monitoring Comprehension strategies used such as zooming in on text, refocusing their mind to the task, and looking for just-right websites in this circumstance

What is Reading on the Web?


This is a strategy of reading that allows students to stop to think and reflect on their thoughts about the text through reading, writing, and talking. This allows students to better store their thinking and show better understanding and merge thinking with the text.

What is Read, Write, and Talk?


Looking for evidence that: 

Students follow their inner conversation and annotate the text to leave track of their thinking. 

Students notice when they stray from the inner conversation and repair comprehension with fix up strategies 

Students stop, think, and react to the things they had read 

What are the ways of assessing what we have taught?