The Baal Shem Tov's Early Life
The Baal Shem Tov's Family
Encounters and Teachings
The Alter Rebbe's Early Life
The Alter Rebbe’s Contributions

Who was the Baal Shem Tov’s second wife? And how many kids did they have together?

Chana. They had a son and daughter.


Who were the Baal Shem Tov’s parents?

Reb Eliezer and Sara.


What are the 3 main seforim the Alter Rebbe wrote?

Tanya, Shulchan Aruch and our Siddur based on the Arizal.


How old was the Alter Rebbe when he married?

20 years old


What was the Alter Rebbe told by the Maggid? 

To rewrite the Shulchan Aruch.


Which small town did the Baal Shem Tov move to?



Which mitzvah did Reb Eliezer and Sara Cherish most?

Hachnosas Orchim.


How many children did the Alter Rebbe have?

The Alter Rebbe had 6 kids: Dovber Schneuri, Chaim Avraham, Moshe, Freida, Devorah Leah, Rochel.


What are the Alter Rebbe's parents' names? And where did they live?

Reb Baruch and Rebbetzin Rivka. 



What was the Alter Rebbe's major work that many flocked to him to learn and memorize?

The Tanya.


What year was the Baal Shem Tov born?

1698 (5458)


Who was the man that came on Shabbos, and why did he come?

Eliyahu Hanavi. He came to test Reb Eliezer and Sara. In the merit of their kindness, they would now have a child.


What did the Chassidim notice about the Baal Shem Tov’s davening that Tishrei?

He was davening with intense joy instead of the usual seriousness.


What did the Baal Shem Tov say when Reb Baruch and Rebbetzin Rivka asked for a bracha for a child?

The Baal Shem Tov blessed them with the promise that exactly one year from that day, on Chai Elul, they would have a son.


What is the Alter Rebbe's Rebetzin name?

 Rebetzin Sterna.


When did the Baal Shem Tov pass away?

First day of Shevous.


What did Reb Eliezer and Sara do extra after Shabbos was over?

They kept their guests till Sunday and made sure to send them off with food and money.


What did the Baal Shem Tov do on the day the Alter Rebbe was born?

He omitted tachnun. He explained, that on Wednesday, the day the sun and moon were created, that today a new Neshama was born which would light up the world with Chassidus.


What year was the Alter Rebbe born?

1745 (Tof Kuf Hey)


Describe how the Alter Rebbe taught us how to have Ahavas Yisroel?

The story on Yom Kippur


What did Eliyahu Hanavi add about teaching their son?

Eliyahu Hanavi instructed them to teach their son at a very young age that Hashem is the only God and there is nobody else to fear.


What was the Baal Shem Tov’s role in the forest at age 26, and who did he study with?

The Baal Shem Tov studied with Achiya Hashiloni in the forest for 10 years.


What was the additional detail Eliyahu Hanavi added about Reb Eliezer and Sara's future child?

Eliyahu Hanavi mentioned that the child should be taught from a young age that Hashem is the only God and that there is nobody else to fear.


When is the Alter Rebbe's Yartziet?

The Alter Rebbe passed away on Chof Daled Teves, Tof Kuf Ayin Gimmel


What did the Alter Rebbe do after the Maggid passed away?

He took on the mission of capturing those opposed to Chassidus and continued to teach and guide many followers.