This young woman saved her brother first, and then saved the Israelites with her well of water in the desert. Today many families include a glass of water on our seder tables in her honor.
Who is Miriam?
You buy this to prepare for 8 days of Pesach.
What are "lotsa matzah?"
You can’t spend more than 1080 making this food.
What is matzah?
The Haggadah tells the story of thousands of Israelites rebelling based on this second book of the Torah.
What is the Exodus, or the Book of Exodus?
In India, Jews have a special ritual item on their seder table called the Pharaoh's cup. What substance is poured out of it into the glasses of seder participants so that the “power and stubbornness of cold-hearted Pharaoh is diminished.
What is wine?
Her royal highness pulled Moses out of the water.
Who is Pharaoh's daughter?
Double Jeopardy: If student uses the name given to her by the rabbis: Batyah
Amphibian Sandals
What are "frog's clogs"?
In some Jewish households, you’ll find this fruit on the seder plate to symbolize the support of the LGBTQ+ community and women, a tradition often attributed to Dr. Sussana Heschel. Some families choose to eat this fruit and split out the seeds as a way to “split out” homophobia, transphobia, and sexism in the Jewish Community.
What is an orange.
This former Supreme Court Justice co-authored an essay on women in the Seder.
Who was Ruth Bader Ginzburg, or RBG.
Jews in Poland decorate their seder table these items because the Passover story suggests that the Egyptians gave these precious items to the Israelites as a way of bribing them to hasten their exodus.
What are gold and silver Jewelry?
She was the birth mother of special baby, gave him away, and then became his nanny and wet nurse.
Who is Moses' mother?
Double Jeopardy: If student calls her by her name, Yocheved.
Adding this leafy green makes this plague healthy.
What is "kale hail"?
This root vegetable, good for clearing the sinuses, can be found on your seder plate.
What are horseradish or bitter herbs. [Double Jeopardy: if a student says "Maror"]
This musician won’t let her “freedom rot in hell.”
Who is Beyonce?
Jews from Afghanistan and Iran-- Jews from what has historically been Persia-- have a tradition of slapping these long green vegetables at each other while reciting the Dayenu section of the Seder, pretending that they are holding whips every time they say Deyenu, it would’ve been enough for us.
What are huge scallions or green onions?
These two smart women outwitted Pharoah’s order to kill all the Hebrew baby boys
Who are the midwives, Shifra and Puah. [Students need to name both for these points]
This is the world’s best and most important seasoning to add to food.
What is "exalted salt"?
Intended to look like mud, this name derives from a Hebrew word that means clay. Ashkenazi (Eastern European) households use apples, cinnamon, nuts, and wine to create this food while Sephardic (Mediterranean) and Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) households often use dried fruits.
What is charoset.
This Pakistani human rights activist for education for women and girls was awarded a Novel Prize at 17-years-old, the youngest to do so.
Who is Malala Yousafzai?
Romanian Jewish families have a special custom when the Haggadah says “We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt” “Avadim Hayinu” where they fill up this item with heavy objects and carry them around the table. This object is often used by Jews at seders to feel comfortable during the seder.
What are pillow cases?
Joseph had 11 brothers, but only one sister.
Who is Dina?
God brought down some problems that caused some type of trouble in Egypt.
What is a "vague Plague"?
During Passover, the Coca-Cola bottling company of New York uses this ingredient instead of corn syrup to make coke for observant Jews.
What is sugar?
There is a legend that the Red Sea did not split until someone named Nachshon ben Ami did something very brave.
What is walking into the water?
The Jews of Morocco celebrate the end of Passover with this celebration in which participants welcome guests into their homes to serve sweet treats, often made with marzipan, nuts and fruits to celebrate eating chametz, unleavened items, again.
What is Mimouna.