Who was Miss Mary Finch?
Isabel's and Ruth's slave owner.
What is very important about Mary Finch's will?
It states that Isabel and Ruth should be freed.
Why aren't Isabel and Ruth freed?
Because they cannot find Mary Finch's will.
What do Isabel and Ruth need to do besides finding the will?
They need to retain a lawyer.
Where is the lawyer that Isabel and Ruth need?
In Boston.
What did Mr. Roberts plan to do with Isabel and Ruth?
Sell them.
What is a Loyalist?
Someone loyal to King George III.
What is a Patriot?
An American rebel against King George III.
What is the hypocrisy about being a rebel Patriot who desired freedom that is about our novel?
The Patriots wanted freedom from their master King George III, yet had no problem keeping slaves and not giving them their freedom.
Why did Mr. Lockton have money hidden in his chest with a false bottom?
He would use the money to bribe Patriots, because he was a Loyalist.
Why does Mr. Lockton get arrested?
For suspicion of being a Loyalist.
Why might Mr. Lockton get arrested in New York?
Because he is a Loyalist, and New York is made up of Patriots.
What is Isabel worried about when she reaches Bellingham's building?
That she possibly knocked on the wrong window.
Why does Isabel think that Ruth was crying in the parlor?
She thinks Mrs. Lockton was beating her.
Why does Isabel ask Pastor Weeks if she can run ahead?
She wants to visit her mother's grave.
Isabel has to do all of the work in the Lockton household except for what?
What does Curzon want Isabel to do with regards to the Locktons?
Spy on them for the Patriots.
What does Curzon say the Patriots may do in exchange for spying on the Locktons?
Give her her freedom.
How does Mrs. Lockton take away Isabel's identity?
She gives her a new false name.
What is the main difference in the way Mr. Roberts treated the girls and the way the tavern owners treated them?
Mr. Roberts treated them poorly like property; the tavern owners treated them well.
Why did the tavern owners treat the girls well?
Because they knew their mother.
What is Isabel's fake new name?
Sal Lockton
What does Curzon call Isabel?
Why does Jenny offer to buy Ruth and Isabel?
Because she feels she owes it to their mother.