Dealing with Anger
Bounce-Back Skills
Dealing with Intense Emotions

What are 2 ways to deal with anger?

Deep breaths, walking away, riding a bike, listening to music….


What is an example of having ‘helpful thinking’

Thinking about the funny or good bits in a problem, accept that bad things happen to everyone, accept that everyone makes mistakes…


How might a person being bullied feel?

Lonely, sad, angry…


What are 2 intense emotions?

Shocked, angry, furious, nervous, stressed, overwhelmed…


When a person feels angry, what is something they can do to think more clearly?

Talk to someone they trust about their angry feelings, remind themselves that everyone feels angry at some time, think about which part of the problem was their fault…


What are 2 skills to get along with others?

Being a good listener, being understanding, being supportive, being cooperative…


Why do you think students bully others?

To make themselves feel better, to feel powerful…

Can we change how we are feeling?

Yes, but sometimes it takes a while. We need to use positive self-talk or helpful thinking to try to change the way we are thinking. 


What are some bad results that may happen if you let anger get on top of you?

Hurt yourself, hurt others, say mean things that you don’t mean…


What does having an optimistic outlook mean?

Seeing the positive even in negative situations. 


Is bullying a one time thing?

No, bullying is ongoing and occurs often. 


Why do we have feelings?

Pleasant feelings tell us when something feels good and unpleasant feelings tell us we need to protect ourselves or sole a problem. 


Can a person or a situation make you angry or are you responsible for your own anger?

A person or situation may make you angry but you are responsible for how you deal with your anger and actions. 


What does it mean to be resilient?

To be able to bounce back after negative situations happen. 


Why don’t students always speak up when they see someone is being bullied?

It can be scary, they are scared to get bullied themselves, it may be unsafe…


What are some possible negative effects of intense or strong feelings?

Feeling overwhelmed, harm self or others, make bad decisions…


Is anger a bad thing?

No anger is a normal emotion. 


What are the 4 Bounce-Back skills?

Optimistic outlook, helpful thinking, dealing with anger, getting along with others. 

What could you do if you see someone is being bullied?

See if the person is okay, invite them to play with you, tell a teacher/adult…


Why is it important to correctly name and recognise our feelings?

This helps us to use the right helpful thought and problem solve them in the correct way.