Who is our principal?
Mr. Joe Williams
Where is the Principal's/Main Office located?
In the main hallway on the first floor
(Can accept other answers if described correctly)
List 3 sports that Central has.
Accept any correct responses
You lost or found an important item, where should you go to look for it/drop it off?
North Hallway in a bin labeled "Lost and Found"
For more expensive items check the Attendance/AP office
List 2 time management strategies you can use to help you succeed at Central.
A planner, reminders/alarms on your phone, a running google doc with assignments, a schedule, etc.
Who is your AP (Assistant Principal)
Mrs. Fenner
Mr. Yacko
Ms. Long
What floor is the library located on? Bonus points if you can name our librarian!
Second floor, Mrs. Pickell
Name 5 extra curricular clubs or activities you could join (not including sports)
Accept any acceptable answers
You are having a conflict with a peer, where should you go to have it addressed?
Your AP/the AP office! They can try to work with you to make sure the conflict is resolved in an appropriate way.
Also accepted answers: A social worker, your counselor, another trusted staff member
What are 5 good sleep routine habits to have in order to improve your sleeping?
An early enough bed time to 7-9 hours of sleep, using red lights before bed, turning off/dimming lights, a night care routine (skincare, brushing teeth, etc.), no cell phones/TV, don't eat or drink lots before bed, read a book, meditate, stretch, etc.
Name one of our social workers
Mrs. Groff
Mrs. Bradley
Where can you find the social workers?
In the counseling and career office/student services office, located in the main hallway on the first floor. Also located across from the main office.
How long is our passing period?
5 minutes
You have a small cut and need a band aid, where should you go?
The nurse's office to see Nurse Joni! You can also ask any teacher or office staff member and they will likely have a band aid for you.
What happens if you fail a class in high school?
You will have to retake it, especially if it's a graduation requirement. If you fail too many classes, you will not be promoted to the next grade level.
Name of our counselors (Bonus points if you know which one is your counselor)
Ms. Nigg (A-C)
Ms. Sly (D-I)
Ms. Kim (J-Nf)
Ms. Sopa (Ng-Sm)
Ms. Pelmore (Sn-Z)
Where is the AP office located? (Bonus points if you can list 3 reasons why you might go there)
By the main entrance, new gym, and/or Seely Hall.
What is our mascot?
A Maroon! (Bear)
You're struggling to keep up with your grades and assignments, who should you go to?
Acceptable answers:
Your counselor! Their job is to help guide you with your grades, credits, schedules, etc! They are great resources.
Your AP or social worker. Sometimes you prefer talking to someone you have a better relationship with and that's ok! They can also help you with that.
A teacher or other staff member. We all want your success and will do our best to help you succeed :)
What are 2 positive self-talk statements that every high school student should say?
Examples: "You got this."
"This may be difficult, but I've been through hard things before and I can do it again."
"It's ok to ask for help."
Who is our associate principal?
Mr. Cooper
Where is the nurse's office?
Located in the AP office
Who is our Athletic Director?
You are struggling with your mental health and it's starting to get overwhelming. Who should you talk to?
Any trusted adult in our building can help you get the support you need. If they can't help you, they will connect you with someone who can.
If you are having serious concerns, all of our social workers are well equipped to make sure you get the support you need.
Role play what you should do if you don't know what to do on an assignment. (Have fun :)
Teacher give points based on the scenario!