What does "C" stand for in the acronym?
What does "H" stand for in the acronym?
What does "A" stand for in the acronym?
What does "M" stand for in the acronym?
What does "P" stand for in the acronym?
What should your conversation level be during independent work time?
If you need help during independent work, what should you do?
Raise your hand or use an agreed-upon signal to ask for assistance.
What are the FOUR main types of activities that are done in class?
Independent, Whole-class, Partner, Small-group
What movement is allowed during a test according to CHAMPS?
No movement, you should stay seated and focused.
During a group discussion, you haven’t had a chance to share your ideas. What should you do?
Raise your hand, wait patiently to be called on, and share your ideas when it's your turn.
You’re working in a group project. What is the appropriate conversation level while your group is discussing your ideas?
LEVEL 1 or 2
Why is it important to ask for help at the appropriate time, instead of interrupting others or the teacher?
It prevents disruptions, allows others to stay focused, and ensures that the teacher can give undivided attention to the student they are working with.
During independent work time, you see other students working on different activities. How should you stay focused on your own task?
Stay focused on the assigned task and try not to get distracted by what others are doing.
You’re working on a group project, and you need a pencil from the supply station. What is the best way to go get it without disrupting the class?
Ask your teacher for permission to leave your seat, and move quickly and quietly to get what you need.
You are asked a question in class, but you’re not sure of the answer. What should you do?
Raise your hand and take a guess, or say you don’t know and ask for help from the teacher.
During a class discussion, the teacher asks a question. What is the appropriate conversation level when raising your hand to answer the question?
Level 3 (the whole class should be able to hear your answer)
Why is asking for help important for your learning?
It helps you understand things better and keeps you on track with the work.
You’re asked to work on a group project but feel distracted by other students who aren’t staying on task. How can you still focus and contribute to the group?
Remind your group of the ACTIVITY, keep your attention on the task, and ask your teacher for help if the distractions continue.
You notice that some students are wandering around the room during independent reading time, distracting others. How should you handle this situation?
You can remind your classmates about the movement expectation or tell the teacher about the distraction so they can help.
What could happen if no one participates in class?
It might be harder to understand the lesson and could make the class boring or less fun.
You’re in a whole-class activity, but your table-mate is talking loudly about something unrelated to the lesson. What conversation behavior should you model to help them get back on track?
Maintain a level 0 voice and give them a non-verbal reminder by showing them a 0 with your hand OR ignore the behavior and let the teacher provide a reminder.
If you're unsure whether to ask a peer or the teacher for help, what factors should you consider?
Consider if your question requires the teacher’s expertise, or if it might have been a direction or information that the teacher already shared in which a peer can provide the help.
You’ve finished an activity, but you’re unsure if your work is good enough. How can you make sure it’s successful?
Review the instructions and check your work to make sure you’ve met all the requirements. If you’re unsure, ask for feedback from the teacher.
How does keeping movement controlled help everyone in class?
It keeps the room quiet and focused, so no one gets distracted.
What does "Participation" mean in CHAMPS?
It means how you should be involved in the lesson or activity (like answering questions, listening, or helping).