It's in the Genes
A sexual
What are differences between individuals of the same species? A. Variation B. Variety C. Dominant Recessive
A. Variation
Is this gene pair homozygous or heterozygous: HH A. Homozygous B. Heterozygous
A. Homozygous
Hydra reproduce when a new offspring grows off of a "parent"? What type of reproduction is this? A. Binary fission B. Asexual reproduction C. Sexual reproduction D. Vegetative propogation
B. Asexual reproduction
Who has more variation domestic dogs or wild dogs? A.Wild dogs B. Domestic Dogs C. 'Sup dawgs!
B. Domestic dogs
U.S. flags are to be used until they are worn out, and then they are destroyed, preferably by what method? A. Burying B. Burning C. Recycling D. There is no method, they can just be thrown out
B. Burning
What is an organism's physical appearance? A. Phenotype B. Genotype C. Chromosomes D. Gross
A. Phenotype
What is a trait that always shows up in the organism? A. Recessive B. Dominant C. Sexual reproduction D. Asexual reproduction
B. Dominant
What is the ability to regrow body parts? A. Binary fission B. Budding C. Regeneration D. Propogation
C. Regeneration
The wide variety of traits in domestic dogs is because they are bred using ___________ _____________. A. Natural Selection B. Selective Breeding C. Vegetative Propogation D. Trade secrets
B. Selective Breeding
True or false? Bats are mammals. A. True B. False
What is an organism's genetic make-up? A. Phenotype B. Genotype C. Chromosomes D. Gross
B. Genotype
Which of these is a heterozygous gene pair? A. HH B. hh C. hH D. Hh
D. Hh
When a flower reproduces it requires pollen from the male parts of a plant and ovules from the female parts. What type of reproduction is this? A. Vegetative Propogation B. Asexual C. Budding D. Sexual
D. Sexual
Survival of the Fittest is another name for A. Natural Selection B. Selective Breeding C. Vegetative Propogation D. Trade secrets
A. Natural Selection
Are sharks fish or mammals? A. Fish B. Mammals
A. Fish
What is the passing of traits from parents to offspring? A. Reproduction B. Budding C. Heredity D. Sharing
C. Heredity
Create Punnett square and cross Rr x Rr What percentage of offspring will be rr? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%
A. 25%
When a cell splits into two identical "daughter" cells it is called _______. A. Binary fission B. Vegetative Propagation C. Budding D. Sexual reproduction
A. Binary fission
Humans selectively breed dogs/animals/plants in order to produce... A. More dogs B. Wild canids C. Desirable traits D. Man's best friend
C. Desirable traits
What is the only land mammal that cannot jump? A. Giraffe B. Elephant C. Buffalo D. Mr. Barth
B. Elephant
What is the scientific study of heredity? A. Heredity B. Genetics C. Mendelism D. Evolution
B. Genetics
Give an example of homozygous recessive gene pair.
What is any two little letters cc dd ff bb tt
Hydra reproduces by budding--which one is correct? A. the offspring will have same traits as parent B. the offspring will 1/2 the traits as parent C. the offspring will have different traits as parent
A. the offspring will have same traits as parent
Is selective breeding sexual or asexual? A. Asexual B. Sexual C. Stop making us say "sexual"!
B. Sexual
What animal has an eye bigger than its brain? A. Ostrich B. Shark C. Dog D. 6th grader
A. Ostrich