Who in the Greenberg family was born on Chanukah?
Iri aka baby driedle
What is Uncle Avi's nickname?
Uncle Lolly or Uncle Lulu
What do the letters on the dreidle stand for?
Neis Gadol Haya Sham
I had a little driedle, I made it out of clay...
And when it's dry and ready, oh driedle I shall play
What types of food do we eat on Chanukah?
Foods fried with oil
How long was Auntie A car-less?
Since August - so 4 around months
Who uses the most emojis in their texts?
How many total candles does one person light on chanukah?
44 including the shamesh
Take me home country roads...
To the place, I belong
How much gelt do you win or lose after landing on each letter on the dreidle?
Gimel - everything, Hey - half, nun - nothing, shin, you give one back
What animal was Tzvi pretending to heal in his picture when he got his scrubs?
A lion
What is Zaidy's favourite part of this season?
X-mas lights!
Why did we do havdalah before lighting chanukah candles last night?
Because Shabbos isn't technically out until you make havdalah and you can't light chanukah candles on shabbos
I'll tell a tale, tale, tale, tale, ya...
Of Maccabees in Israel, el, el, el
What food was served at the shiur in Or Chaim that Abba spoke at?
Meat sufganiot
What part of the body did both Zaidy and Bubbie have surgery on?
Their knee
Which city has the most Romberg first cousins currently living in it?
Ramat Beit Shemesh (5) - Chezi, Gavi, Yonah, Vivi, Orly
Toronto (3) - Noah, Daniel, Eli
Thornhill (3) - Nediva, Yair, Gila
New York (1) - Tzvi
Yerushalayim (1) - Ezra
Which musical group is known for their parady songs specifically about Chanukah?
The Maccabeats
Little little Yairi, that is your name...
That you got from a bris where everybody came
Why do some people (but not the Greenbergs c'v) have a minhag of eating dairy on chanukah?
In honour of Yehudis who fed the commander wine and cheese and then chopped his head off
What was the name of the movie the Greenberg kids used to watch on Chanukah at Bubbie's and Zaidy's house?
Chanukah on Planet Matzah Ball
Whose menorah does Abba light?
Why do we celebrate Chanukah - because of the oil lasting for 8 days or because we won the war?
We celebrate winning the war, lighting the menorah is the act that we do which shows how Hashem is with us (fire = shechina)
Those were the nights of Chanukah I remember long ago...
When our families got together little eyes aglow