The 25th day of the month of Kislev
When is חנוכה?
What was the name of the Greek king in the חנוכה story?
One jar of pure oil
What did the Jewish people find when they came to the בית המקדש?
Higher than 3 טפחים and lower than 10 טפחים
How tall should the מנורה be?
על הניסים
What do we add into שמונה עשרה and ברכת המזון during חנוכה?
The oil burning for eight days and the Jews winning the war
What were the two miracles of חנוכה?
Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, and Brit Milah
What are the 3 things the יוונים banned for the Jewish people?
It had the seal of the כהן גדול
How did the Jews know the oil was pure?
By the window if it can be seen; by the doorway if not
Where should one light the Menorah?
Which הלל do we say - full or half?
The Second בית המקדש
During which בית המקדש did the חנוכה story take place?
The חשמונאים
What was the name of the Jewish family who led the rebellion against the יוונים?
It lasted until more could be prepared
Why did the oil last 8 days?
Three on the first night, two on the rest
How many ברכות do we make when lighting the candles?
The dedication of the Mishkan by the נשיאים
What do we read about in each days תורה portion on חנוכה?
Where is חנוכה from - the תורה or the חכמים/רבנן
What are Jews who wanted to be like the יוונים called?
The Greeks had a much larger and stronger army
Why was the military victory such an impressive miracle?
Olive oil and wicks
What are the best materials to use to fulfill the מצוה of מנורה in the best possible way?
Two (unless it is also ראש חודש)
How many תורה's do we take out on שבת חנוכה?
Which son of נח do the יוונים come from?
Who was the heroine of the Chanukah story?
Publicizing the miracle
What is the definition of פרסומי ניסא?
To ensure no one benefits from the Menorah’s light
Why do we use a שמש?
תחנון or למנצח
What תפילות do we not say during חנוכה?