What is the name of this Yom Tov?
how many people do you need to play a game of dreidel
at least 2
what are the 4 letters of the dreidel
nun gimel hey and shin
what are the potato pancakes eaten on chanukah called?
what is the name of money you get on chanukah
chanukah gelt
what are the 2 names of something you eat on chanukah
donut and a latka
fill the blank ''I have a little dreidel i made it out of _____
how many sides does a dreidel have
what is the (fake) gelt you get on chanukah made out of?
what do you get on chanukah?
gelt and presents
who was the king at that time
how many nights does chanukah last?
how many candles are on a menorah for it to be kosher(including shamash)
9 four on both sides one in the middle
when does the game of dreidel end?
when someone gets all the money
what oil do you use to light the menorah
olive oil
What is the name of the brave maccabee?
what were the maccabees looking for to light the menorah
a jug of oil
what does the player win if they get a gimel
the whole pot of money
in which direction do you light the menorah?
left to right
what do you light on chanukah
a menorah
in what hebrew month does Chanukah start
what is the candle used on the menorah to light other candles
how many candles are lit over chanukah?
what were all the five rules the greeks said to not do
no torah, no bris, no kosher, never know when rosh chodesh is, no shabbos
what 2 miracles happened
their was only enough oil for 1 day but Hashem made it that it lit for 8 days and the other one is that Bnei Yisroel won the war!