How many candles were on the Menorah in the Bais Hamikdash?
What did Yehudis give to Elipornee?
Salty Cheese and wine
Who was the leader of the maacabim?
What did Bnei Yisroel find in the Beis Hamikdash and what nes happened with it?
A tiny bit of oil.It burned for 8 days straight!
What was name of the yidden that turned into yevanim?
How many people were in mattisyahu's family?
Why did Yehudis give Elpornee cheese and wine?
(specify both)
Cheese-because its so salty and he'll ask for wine
Wine-so he'll fall asleep(so she can kill him)
Who was the king of Greece(Before Anyiochos)
Alexander the great
What did the yevanim ride on?
What did the yevanim build on the mizbeach?
an avodah zora
How many ways does the Torah describe how the maacabim won?(blank byad blank)
Why was Yehudis aloud to lie to Elipornee?
(the Yidden sinned,Hashem said your gonna win)
Because she was doing this in order too save the Yidden so it's mutar.
What were the names of Maatisyahu's sons?
Elazer, Yonason,Shimon,Yochanan,Yehuda
Name one other person who said Mi l'hashem Ali (not Mattisyahu)
Moshe Rabbainu
Who Died by an elephant?
How much candles do we light over the WHOLE chanukah?
What did Alexander the great want to put in the Bais Hamikdash,and couldn't?
What did he want instead?
An idol of himself
Every baby that was born was named Alexander
Who were the people who worshiped idols in eretz Yisroel in the time of Shimon H'tzadik?
What nes happened to the maacabim that also happened when bnei Yisroel were leaving mitzrayim?
When the enemy shot bow and arrows they turned around.
Why do we light the Menorah by a window or door?
To publicize the neis
How many years after Alexander the great ruled did Antiochos rule?
150 years
What are the 2 reasons Chanukah is called Chanukah?
1-ce chanu B'chaf hey
2-Chanukas hamizbaoch
Who was Antiochoses top general?
What also happened on chaf hey cislav many years earlier?
Moshe finished building the mishkan
Who were the yevanim?
The children of yufes the son of noach