A letter on the dreidel that means "you get NONE"
What is Nun?
Hebrew word for potato pancake
What is a latke?
The holiday that lasts eight days
What is Chanukkah?
The Jewish hero who led the Jews out of Egypt
Who is Moses?
Thank you
What is todah rabah?
A letter that means "YOU get half on the dreidel"
What is hey?
A word that means the candle used to light the Hanukiah
What is The shammash?
The new year
What is Rosh Hashanah?
I accepted a covenant from G_d to share with the Jewish people
Who is Abraham?
Good morning
What is boker tov?
A letter on the dreidel that means "YOU LOSE ONE"
What is SHIN?
A word that means dreidel
What is sevivon?
The book of Torah telling the story of Passover
What is Exodus?
We are the twins by Isaac and Rebecca
Who are Jacob and Esau?
Blessing over the wine
What is the Kiddush?
A letter that means "YOU WIN all" on the dreidel
What is gimmel?
A word for Hanukkah menorah
What is Hanukkiah?
The holiday when we rewind the torah to the beginning
What is simchat torah?
I am the wife of Abraham
Who is Sarah?
Blessing for healing
What is Mishabarach?
Two hebrew letters that make a "V" sound
What are vav and vet?
Leader of the Maccabee army
Judah the Maccabee
Israel's Independence Day
What is Yom Ha'atzmaut?
My brothers are jealous and try to get rid of me
Who is Joseph?
Blessing said first thing in morning
What is the Modeh Ani?