When can someone start lighting candles
when can someone light candles before shabbat
at sunset
what is the minimum amount of time the candles have to be lit for
30 minutes
do we add a candle each night or remove a candle each night
until when can someone light candles
when the wood sellers go home
do you light the menorah or shabbat candles first
the menorah
is there a limit to how long the candles can burn for
who said to add a candle each night
Rabbi Hillel
why can someone not light candles after the wood sellers go home
then there is no one on the street to see the candles
why do you light the menorah before shabbat candles
once you light shabbat candles it is shabbat so you cant light a flame
from when does the timer start on shabbat
30 minutes after sunset
can you use the light for activities such as reading
How do we know today when its the latest to light is
we should try to light within half an hour of the given time if no one else is around but if there is someone else than the time is more lenient
do you light the monorah or havdalah candle first
havdalah candle
what happens if the candles go out to early for natural reasons
you fulfilled the mitzvah and don't have to relight them
Why do we eat food fried in oil
to remember the miracle with the oil
What type of danger is the גמרא talking about
if it's a time when u cant light a menorah
why do you do havdalah before lighting the menorah
until you do havdalah you are still in shabbat and cant light
what happens if the candles go out too early on shabbat
you don't to anything because its shabbat
do we say half or full hallel