What is Latkes?
What is the number of days of chanuka or candles of the menorah?
Some call me the helper candle. I rhyme with Osh kosh bgash
What is the Shamash?
Has a friend name Joni Baloni
Who is Sophie?
A tasty fried doughy treat
What are Sufganiyot?
What are the number of sides on a dreidel?
I have 7 branches and made of Gold. A picture of me is on the Arch of Titus.
What is the Menorah of the Temple?
Some people call me the Hammer. I led my brothers to defeat the Greeks in the story of Hanukka
Who is Judah the Maccabbee?
Special Chocolate Coins
What is Channuka Gelt?
3 - and not candles
What is the number of Berachot we say on the first night?
The best type of material to make a menorah out of
What is Gold?
He has 5 sons and leader of the Hashmonoa'im. Uncle Robert went to his namesakes concert
Who is Matitiyahu?
Goes really well with Potato Latkes
What is Applesauce or Sour Cream?
What is the first day of (Kislev) Hannuka?
Used for cooking and goes very good on popcorn
What is Olive Oil?
He has the tile #1 and they mass produce many mugs for him
Who is Dad / Uncle Steven?
The Kings Treat
What is Lo-Mitlo-adi
What is the sum of all candles lit over the course of 8 days?
Outside on the doorpost opposite the Mezuza
Where is the most optimal place to light the menorah?
Greek King who issued harsh decrees against the Jewish people so they would forget the Torah and Misvot
Who is Antiochus?