What was the main animal the greeks fought with against the macabees?
An Elephant.
What are the two main foods of Chanukkah?
Latkes, Sufganiyot.
What is something spinny that we spin on Chanukkah?
A Dreidel
How much days of Chanukkah are there?
BONUS 100 POINTS: How much candles are there in the Menorah (not including the Shamesh)
What did the Jews do when the greeks came into the caves when they learned Torah?
Hid the Torahs and played dreidels
What are Jelly Donuts called in Israel?
Why do we play with Dreidels?
Because when the greeks came into our caves we hid our Torahs and played dreidel.
What do we sing after we light the Menorah?
Haneiros Hallalu
Free points
What did Channa's sons say when the king said to bow down to them?
No, we would rather die.
Why do we eat Latkes and Donuts (Fried foods)?
To remind us of the oil that lasted 8 days.
What are the letters on the dreidel out of Israel?
Nun, Gimel, Hey, Shin
What did the Rabbeim give their children every Chanukkah night?
Chanukkah gelt
Who was the leader of the Maccabees?
Judah Maccabee
What did Alexander the great want in return after he promised not to go in the Kodesh hakodashim?
He wanted all Jews to name their sons Alexander.
Free Points!!
What are the letters of the dreidel in Israel?
Nun, Gimel, Hey, Pey
What do we add in Davening (besides Hallel) AND in Bentching on ALL 8 days of Chanukkah?
Al Hanissim
The ninth “candle” of the menorah is called?
A shamesh
Why did Alexander the great bow down to Shimon Hatzadik?
Because Hashem gave Alexander dreams before every victory that Shimon Hatzaddik would tell him how to win the war.
What other foods do we eat on Chanukkah besides Sufganiyot and Latkes (Fried foods) and why?
Milchigs because of Yehudis
Why in Israel the last letter of the dreidel is pey, not shin?
Because the shin stands for sham, there. but the mirracle happened in Israel so poh, here.
In a shul on Montzei Shabbos what is the order of lighting the Menorah, havdala, maariv etc...?
First we say Maariv then we light the menorah
then we say havdallah
What does the word Chanukkah mean?
(Both Answers for extra 200 points and 50 points for each reason)
1. ”Chanukas Habayis” Dedicatation: Since it marks the date when the Beis Hamikdosh (Mizbeiach was made tuma by the yevani) was re-dedicated
2. “Chanu Chof Hei” They rested on the 25th of Kisleiv after defeating the Greeks (The celebration of Chanukkah is all about the victory of the Maccabees and it is fitting for Chanukkah to be named after the “rest” (celebration) after their victory.)