Who produced over 1000 inventions in his workshop in Menlo Park, New Jersey?
Thomas Edison
Who was a teacher for the deaf and help them by inventing a machine to transmit the human voice?
Alexander Graham Bell
What is the Bessemer Process?
A cheaper process for producing steel.
What type of workers were in “sweatshops”? Why were they hired?
Immigrants accepted lower wages than native-born Americans in order to survive.
What is it called when workers refuse to work until the company or factory owners met their demands?
Workers Strike
Thomas Edison was studying how to make electric current into what?
What was the first telephone message received by Mr. Bell’s assistant?
“Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you.”
Steel production in the US rose from 68,000 tons in 1870 to what number by 1900?
10 million tons
How many hours per day did laborers work in factories during early 1900s? How many days per week?
12 to 14 hours per day, six days per week.
When Unions organize a strike, who does business owners hire?
Strike Breakers (or non union workers)
What material did Thomas Edison used as wire in his light bulb?
Cotton Thread
What company did Alexander Graham Bell create?
Bell Telephone Company
Who controlled 90 percent of the oil business in the US by 1878?
John D. Rockefeller.
What are some dangers did laborers face in the 1900s?
(hint: there are three major answers)
1. Harmful Fumes
2. Dangerous Conditions
3. Children worked long hours and not going to school.
What three laws did the American Federation of Labor (AFL) help get passed?
1. Shortened work hours
2. End Child Labor
3. Employers must pay workers for injuries that happen on the job.
Who later found using carbon as “filament” in a light bulb? Bonus: what improved by this invention?
Lewis Latimer
Bonus: longer lasting lightbulb
Who invented the “Oil cup”? What company did he form?
Elijah McCoy. McCoy Manufacturing company.
What was Rockefeller’s company named?
Standard Oil
What did workers create to fight for better conditions?
Labor Unions
Who helped Pennsylvania legislature pass a law forbidding children to work until the age of 14 years old?
Mary Harris Jones
What company did Edison create?
General Electric Company
What does an “oil cup” do? What was the product nickname and why?
Oil cup pours oil onto the moving parts of locomotives. McCoy’s product was so good, people called the cup ”The Real McCoy”
What word could be used to describe Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company?
How did Labor Unions improve workers who joined their groups?
Improved wages and working conditions
Who is going to study hard for the Chapter 17 Social Studies Test?
Kiran Dylan Thompson