Managing Change
Managing Innovation
Global Management
Designing Organizational Processes
Designing Organizational Structures
A large decrease in organizational performance that occurs when companies don’t anticipate, recognize, neutralize, or adapt to the internal or external pressures that threaten their survival. A. Change intervention B. Refreezing C. Organizational decline
Answer: C. Organizational decline
The successful implementation of creative ideas in organization. A. Incremental change B. Organizational innovation C. Innovation streams
Answer: B. Organizational innovation
The free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada & Mexico is known as: A, ASEAN. B, NAFTA. C, GATT.
Answer: B. NAFTA
2 kinds of organizational design are mechanistic and… A. Orientated, B. Organic, C. Objective.
Answer: B. Organic
The vertical & horizontal structure of departments, authority and jobs is called… A. Structural accommodation B. Organizational structure C. Delegation of authority.
Answer: B. Organizational structure.
Opposition to change resulting from self-interest, misunderstanding and distrust, and a general intolerance for change. A. Resistance to change B. Change forces C. Generational change
Answer: A. resistance to change
A cycle that begins with the birth of a new technology and ends when that technology reaches its limits and is replaced by a newer, substantially better technology. A. Technology cycle B. Flow C. Resistance to change
Answer: A. Technology cycle
BLANK corporations own businesses in 2 or more countries. A, Dominant. B, Organic. C, Multinational.
Answer: C. Multinational
The 4 ways reengineering change works are task interdependence, pooled interdependence, sequential interdependence and… A. Reciprocal interdependence B. Regional interdependence C. Recovery interdependence
Answer: A. Reciprocal interdependence.
Subdividing work and workers into separate organizational units that take responsibility for completing particular tasks. A. Autonomy B. Organizational process C. Departmentalization.
Answer: C. Departmentalization.
The use of formal power and authority to force others to change. A. Change forces B. Coercion C. Unfreezing
Answer: B. Coercion
The purchase of new technologies to replace older ones. A. Technological lockout B. Innovation streams C. Technological substitution
Answer: C. Technological substitution
A BLANK is someone who lives & works outside their native country. A, Exporter. B, Expatriate. C, Executive.
Answer: B. Expatriate.
Allowing workers to make decisions instead of managers is an example of… A. Autonomy, B. Empowering workers, C. Organic organization.
Answer: B. Empowering workers.
The right to advise, but not command others who are not subordinates in the chain of command. A. Staff authority B. Line authority C. Chain of command.
Answer: A. Staff authority.
Change created quickly by focusing on the measurement and improvement of results. A. Generational change B. Results-driven change C. Change intervention
Answer: B. Results-driven change
A new technological design or process that becomes the accepted market standard. A. Innovation streams B. Dominant design C. Experiential approach to innovation
Answer: B. Dominant design
Loans, grants and tax deferments given to domestic companies to protect them from foreign competition are known as… A, Subsidies. B, Coercion. C, Span of control.
Answer: A. Subsidies.
A collection of activities that take place among companies to transform inputs into outputs that customer’s value is… A. Virtual organization B. Intra-organizational process C. Inter-organizational process.
Answer: C. Inter-organizational process.
The right to command immediate subordinates in the chain of command. A. Line authority, B. Coercion, C. Span of control.
Answer: A. Line authority.
A philosophy and collection of planned change interventions designed to improve an organization’s long-term health and performance. A. Change intervention B. Organizational development C. Organizational decline
Answer: B. Organizational development
An approach to innovation that assumes a highly uncertain environment and uses intuition, flexible options, and hands-on experience to reduce uncertainty and accelerate learning and understanding. A. Experiential approach to innovation B. Change forces C. Generational change
Answer: A. Experiential approach to innovation
These affiliates are foreign offices, facilities and manufacturing plants that are 100% owned by the parent company. A, Decentralized. B, Line authority. C, Wholly owned.
Answer: C . Wholly owned.
What type of organization would make metal parts and then send them to an outside supplier to be chrome plated? A. Modular organization B. Mechanistic organization C. Organic organization.
Answer: A. Modular organization.
The five methods of departmentalizing work are functional, product, customer, matrix and… A. Graphic, B. Geologic, C. Geographic.
Answer: C. Geographic.