Hutiyon ki Antakshari
Toon Town
Lauda ka sarkar hain
Olympia would be proud
Literature/Performing Arts

"You've got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place"

What is We Will Rock You?


A baseball star sued Hanna Barbera for defamation because this character's name was similar to his.

Who is Yogi Bear?


The first Five-Year Plan of this nation actually ended a year early, and witnessed a famine during the winter of the last year

What is USSR?


This person placed behind Otis Davis, Carl Kaufmann and Malcolm Spence, just missing out on a medal

Who is Milkha Singh?


This long running Agatha Christie play features Detective Sergeant Trotter

What is the Mousetrap?


"Theres a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold"

What is Stairway to Heaven?


His first name is actually 'Norville'

Who is Shaggy?


His Great Leap Forward campaign created the largest famine is human history

Who is Mao Zedong?


Given the unofficial title of World's Greatest Athlete, this person's most famous sporting achievement is the 1976 Olympic gold at the men's decathlon

Who is Caitlyn Jenner?


Characters include Bombalurina, Macavity, Rum Tum Tugger and Old Deuteronomy

What is Cats?


"I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeah
The girl that's driving me mad is going away"

What is Ticket To Ride?


The main characters of this show are the archaeologist protagonist, his rebellious niece, and his uncle who frequently uses the phrase, "One more thing, ..."

What is Jackie Chan Adventures?


This cruel and perverse Roman Emperor's ambitious projects resulted in crippling taxes, frenzied price surges and veiled robbery. He also made his horse a senator

Who is Caligula?


The only time this was played as an Olympic sport, Great Britain beat France (the only other participating nation) for the gold medal

What is cricket?


The 2005 film adaptation of this Mel Brooks musical starring Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane also featured these two and Will Ferrell among others. Even Bollywood ripped it off

What is The Producers?


"And possibly bend you over
Look back and watch me"

What is Smack That?


Real name Drake Mallard, he likes to "get dangerous"

Who is Darkwing Duck?


He spearheaded a genocide that wiped out nearly a quarter of his country's population.

Who is Pol Pot?


Richie Reneberg
Nicolas Pereira
Thomas Enqvist
Renzo Furlan
Andre Agassi
Fernando Meligeni

Who is Leander Paes?


This American once said, "Every time I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone"

Who is Mark Twain?


"They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive"

What is Eye of the Tiger?


Copied from actual Jeopardy: The Oscar winning 1949 short "For Scent-imental Reasons" features this early example of Eurotrash.

Who is Pepe le Pew?


The only child of Catherine of Aragorn and Henry VIII, she was notorious for burning Protestants at the stake

Who is Bloody Mary?


He was drafted by the Chicago Bulls (NBA) and the Dallas Cowboys (NFL) in 1984, despite not playing either sport in college

Who is Carl Lewis?


This American finally won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, after being nominated for the award 8 times previously

Who is John Steinbeck?