What does Cognition mean?
Mental activity
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
Founder of Psychology
What happened in 1956?
Birth of Cognitive Psychology
What is Perception?
the use of previous knowledge to gather and interpret stimuli registered by our senses
Who was the first person to scientifically study memory?
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Difference between Bottom up & Top down
bottom highlights the significance of stimulus characteristics in the process of object recognition.
Top emphasized the importance of pre-existing knowledge
Portion of cerebral cortex that processes visual stimuli
Primary visual cortex
Who was the first female president of APA?
Mary Whiton Calkins
What is required for speech perception?
being able to separate voices from background noise
Failure to detect a change in an object or scene
Change blindness
Emphasized the human mind as active and inquiring
William James
How many phoneme does the English language have?
people cannot recognize humans faces visually
Person to discovered that it takes us a long time to decide whether 2 letter are different if they share a number of common features
Eleanor Gibson
Why are general mechanism approaches important?
they influence visual cues and help non-speech sounds