Themes of Geography
Planet Earth
Earth's Water/Influences on Climate
Climate & Vegetation

This theme of geography involves absolute and relative location.

What is Location?


This celestial body's huge mass gives it the strongest gravitational pull in our solar system.

What is the sun?


This layer of the Earth is made of hot metal, probably nickel and iron, and gives the Earth its magnetic fields.

What is the Earth's core?


This type of water is 3% of the Earth's total water and can be found in lakes, rivers, and groundwater.

What is freshwater?


This climate subregion can get up to 100 inches of rainfall per year.

What is the tropical rainforest climate?


This theme of geography's definition is the physical and cultural characteristics that distinguish one place from another.

What is Place?


This occurs when the 1/4 of a day at the end of every year adds up to one whole day, resulting in an extra day in our calendar year.

What is Leap Year?


This powerful force of change can cause earthquakes and tsunamis along fault lines.

What is tectonic activity?


This constantly moves water around our world in four steps: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection.

What is the water cycle?


This type of climate receives little to no rain and can be found at any latitude.

What are dry climates?


This theme of geography describes how people from one place make contact with people from another.

What is Movement?


The Earth spins on this, causing day and night and the different seasons of the year.

What is the Earth's axis?


This landform is a small strip of land that connects two larger pieces of land.

What is an isthmus?


This type of storm is caused by moving wind and ocean water and needs warm water for fuel.

What is a hurricane?


This climate subregion includes Italy, Greece, and southern Spain and experiences wet and mild winters and hot and dry summers.

What is the Mediterranean climate?


This theme of geography's definition is areas that share some common characteristics.

What is Region?


This occurs two times a year, when the sun's rays are shining directly on the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

What are the solstices?


This theory states that the pieces of Earth's crust are floating on top of the molten rock of the Earth's mantle.

What is the theory of plate tectonics?


These seasonal winds are an important part of Asia's climate pattern.

What are monsoons?


This climate subregion is just below the Arctic Circle and is home to huge evergreen forests. 

What is the subarctic climate?


This theme of geography describes how humans have modified and adapted to the environment around them.

What is Human/Environment Interaction?


This occurs two times a year, when the sun's rays shine directly on the Equator.

What are the equinoxes?


This force of change is why older mountain ranges, like the Appalachian Mountains, are smaller in size than height than newer mountain rangers, like the Himalayas.

What is erosion?


This major ocean current brings warm water and mild air from the Gulf of Mexico to western Europe.

What is the Gulf Stream?


This climate region extends from 30°N 60°N and 30°S 60°S.

What are the mid-latitude climates?