Endings of the 4th declension M.
us us
us uum
ui ibus
um us
u ibus
Sequence of the sentence:
Itaque Alexandrō persuāsērunt ut domum ad Macedoniam redīrent.
Magister discipulae imperet nē fāmam suam perdat.
Let the teacher order the student not to lose her reputation.
Dative Plural of
Uxor Iungens
Uxoribus Iungentibus
Vocative Singular of:
cor aequum
Cor aequum
The present passive infinitive of this sentences' main verb:
Etiam duās uxōrēs Persās in mātrimōnium dūxit.
Utinam frāter meus nusquam perdātur!
May my brother be lost nowhere!
Nominative Plural of
Familia Sessura
Familiae Sessurae
Bucephalus was the name Alexander gave to what animal of his?
his Horse
Dative plural of:
domus humana
Domibus humanis
Give the Latin for the following phrase:
The joy having been feltgaudium sensum
Dominus epistulam scrīpsit ut salūtem coniugī dīceret.
The master wrote a letter in order to greet the spouse
Ablative singular of
Coniunx Partura
Coniuge Partura
The teacher Philip of Macedon chose for his son
Ablative singular of:
Pirata gravis
Pirata gravi
2nd person singular present subjunctive passive:
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum
Magister librum scrībit nē discipuli male discant.
The teacher writes a book lest the students learn poorly
Translation of
Miles bellum Athenas gessurus ambulavit.
The soldier about to wage war walked to Athens
Alexander the Great's age when he finally died of fever
Locative of:
Roma Magna
Romae Magna
3rd person plural future perfect indicative passive:
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum
mansi, -ae, -a erunt
Fur noctu furtum fecit ut pomīs pauperēs delectāret.
The thief committed a theft at night in order to delight the poor with fruits
Translation of
Magister loquitur ut discipuli discant
loquor, loqui, locutus sum -- to speak
The teacher speaks in order that the students learn
The tribe of that tried to migrate through "Our Province" before Caesar slaughtered them.