Emergency Steps

someone who is unresponsive, confused or mentally impaired may not be able to grant consent so the law assumes the person would give consent if he or she would be able to do so

What is implied consent?


You should do a set of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths for each.

How many CPR compressions should you do for an adult, infant and child


First you check the scene and the person then you call 911 or the designated emergency number and lastly you care for the person

What do you do in an emergency situation?

For an adult or child give 5 abdominal thrusts and 5 back blows

For an infant 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts 

What do you do when a adult, child or infant is choking?

Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, Early CPR, Early defibrillation, Early advanced life support, Integrated post-cardiac arrest care and Recovery.

During cardiac emergencies what is the Adult chain of survival?


being in close contact with another person's body fluids such as saliva, mucus, vomit or blood. it can spread from person to person through indirect or direct contact

What are pathogens?


Two hands in the center of the chest

Where should you place your hands when you start compressions for an adult and child?


Recognizing that an emergency exists, Deciding to take action, activating the EMS system and Giving care until the EMS personnel takes over

What are the rules in the EMS system?


Foods such as Nuts and Seeds, Hot dogs and sausages, chunks of meat and cheese, chunks of fruit and whole grapes, raw vegetables, popcorn and peanut butter

What are some choking hazards?


Prevention, Early CPR, Activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, Early advanced life support, Integrated post-cardiac arrest care and Recovery

During Cardiac emergencies, what is the Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival?


A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked as a result of a coronary artery

What is an Heart Attack?


Two fingers on the center of chest just below the nipple line and another way is two thumbs on the center of chest

Where should you place your hands when you start CPR for an infant?

State your name, state the type and level of training that you have, explain what you think is wrong, explain what you plan to do and ask if you may help

How do you obtain consent?


When a person is choking they are typically panicked, confused or surprised by facial expression. Some people may place one or both hands on their throat. The person may cough either forcefully or weekly, or he or she may not be able to cough at all.

What are the signs and symptoms of choking?


between 4-6 minutes brain damage can begin then between 8-10 minutes brain damage can become irreversible 

What happens to the Brain during cardiac arrest?

Cardiac Arrest occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs

What is Cardiac Arrest?


You should tilt the head past neutral position and pinch the nose shut and form seal over mouth

How should you do rescue breaths for an adult?


Move the person if the persons life were in danger, Ask a responsive person permission to help by asking consent before giving care, check the person for life-threatening conditions before giving futher care, call 911 and the designated emergency number and continue giving care until a more highly trained personnel take over

During Good Samaritan Law, what do you do in the situation as it protects res ponders who act the reasonable and prudent person would act?


Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts

What do you do if a person is too large for you to wrap your arms around if they are choking?


Cardiac Chain of Survival describes five actions that, when performed in rapid succession, increase the person’s likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest

What is the Cardiac Chain of Survival?


CPR is a skill used when a person is in cardiac arrest to keep oxygenated blood moving to the brain and other vital organs until advanced medical personal arrives.

What is CPR?


For a child you tilt the head slightly past neutral position and pinch the nose shut and form a seal over mouth. 

For an infant you tilt your head to neutral position and form seal over mouth

How should you do rescue breaths for both the child and infant?


During emergency situations and Emergency conditions or when an illness or injury has occurred as an emergency

When do you activate the EMS system?


Call 911 or the designated emergency number using a landline or a GPS enabled mobile phone. Even if you are not able to talk the open line will cause the dispatcher to send help. Give yourself abdominal thrusts using your hands just as if you were giving it to someone else. Bend over and press your abdomen against a firm object such as the back of a chair or a railing.

What do you do if you are alone and choking?


AED is when it can correct the underlying problem for some people who go into sudden cardiac arrest. It can get the heart back to life using an AED as a shock disrupts the heart’s electrical activity long enough to spontaneously develop an effective rhythm on its own again

What is an AED?