When can illness strike?
At work, school, home, or while out having fun
What age group chokes the most
Children and infants
How old is an infant
0-1 years old
What are emergencies?
Unexpected situations that require immediate action
How can you help someone who has become suddenly ill?
Providing appropriate first care, summoning help, and keeping the person comfortable
What actions can make someone more likely to choke?
Talking with food in your mouth or eating too quickly
Who takes over when they arrive to a cardiac emergency scene?
EMS personnel
How old are toddlers?
1-3 years old
What does EMS stand for?
Emergency Medical Service
What is an acute illness?
What food should you keep away from kids under 5
nuts, seeds, chunks of meat, cheese, or fruit, popcorn or peanut butter.
What is a Heart Attack
When blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked
What should you do if a person is injured but speaks a different language?
Speak in a calm tone, see if any bystanders speak his language, and use gestures to convey the information
What are smells that can indicate an emergency?
Gas, smoke, chemicals, or something unrecognizable
What is a chronic illness?
An illness a person lives with on an ongoing basis and often requires continual treatment to manage
What happens when cells in the heart don't receive enough oxygen?
The cells die so then there is pernament heart damage
What should you tell an injured person?
Reassure them that they will be ok and that EMS services are on the way
What sounds indicate an emergency
Screaming, Yelling, Tires, glass, metal, or unusual silence
What is respiratory arrest
absence of breathing
What are signs of symptoms of choking?
Panicked, confused, or surprised facial expressions along with hands on their throat
What are signs of a heart attack?
Persistent or on and off chest pain for over 3-5 minutes, which is not alleviated by medication or changing position
What is the SAMPLE method for finding out more information?
Signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent medical information, Last Food or drink, Events leading up to the incident
What behaviors can indicate something is wrong in a person?
Confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, or extreme mood changes