This is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable Tourism
Simply means being able to continue for and indefinite period of time.
In what year did Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring?
In what year did The UNWTO published the Guide for Local Authorities on Developing Sustainable Tourism?
In what year did The UN published A practical Guide for the Development and Application of Indicators
of Sustainable Tourism.
Who published The Challenges of Man’s Future?
Harrison Brown
In what year did the The International Union for the Protection of Nature is founded?
It is healed as a national teach-in on the environment; an estimated 20-million people participated in peaceful demonstrations across the United States.
Earth Day
It focuses on the existence of environmental review procedure for formal controls over development of site and use density.
Development control
It talks about theCategory of site protection according to IUCN index
Site Protection
Many tourism projects suffer from the _____________ syndrome wherein they tend to
experience a rapid boom and bust cycle.
It discusses the interconnections between the environment, the economy and social well-being.
Silent Spring
In what year did The founex Report on Development and Environment calls for integration of environment and development strategies.
In what year did the WTO holds the World Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain.
Whole published the An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It?
Al Gore
In what year did Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring, which discusses the interconnections between the environment, the economy and social well-being.
It commissions a study of global proportions to model and analyze the dynamic interactions between industrial production, population, environmental damage, food consumption, and natural resource usage.
The Club of Rome
The UN Conference on the Human Environment is held in_____________.
In this year, The UN Millennium Summit shifted the focus of development to poverty and multiple deprivations.
The year ______ marked the deadline for achieving the MDGs formulated in 2000.
In what city is proclaimed as the first Earth Day?
San Francisco City
It is the existence of organized regional plan for tourist destination region
Planning Process
In what year did Young published the Tourism: Blessing or Blight, which drew attention to the negative impacts of tourism
In what year is The UN Conference on Sustainable Development gathers in Rio de Janeiro to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Rio Summit.
Tourism development in the Philippines has been evolving in the past _______years
40 years