Historical Theories
Contemporary Theories
Careers in Psychology

Psychology is the ____

What is the SCIENTIFIC study of human behaviour and mental processes.


Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920) was a German scientist who was the first person to be referred to as

who is a psychologist.


____refers to a doctor of philosophy degree

What is a Ph.D.


Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and ...?

mental process / cognitive processes / cognition / internal processes (any of these terms is fine).


Adaptation means that a trait of an organism has a function for the survival and reproduction of the individual, because it has been naturally selected. 

___adopted this belief in their theory of functionalism.

Who is William James

Individuals who wish to become practicing clinical psychologists have another option for earning a doctoral degree, known as 

What is a Psy.D.


In psychology, is anecdotal or empirical evidence more valuable?



Psychoanalytic theory focuses on the role of a person’s unconscious, as well as early childhood experiences, and this particular perspective dominated clinical psychology for several decades. 

Who is Sigmund Freud

individuals earning this degree must complete a dissertation

Who is a Ph.D and Psy.D.


The method for acquiring knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities is the _________

What is the empirical method 


The focus directly on observable behavior and to  bring behavior under control was a major proponent of shifting the focus of psychology from the mind to behavior. /Theory/Theorist

What is the behaviorism, Who is John Watson


Programs generally place less emphasis on research-oriented skills and focus more on application of psychological principles in the clinical context

What is a Ph.D