5 Themes of Geography
Seasons, Weather and Climate Zones
Economic Development
Culture & Politics
The 5 Themes of Geography.
What are Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Region, Movement
The definition of climate.
What is the long-term weather expectations of a place as measured in temperature, rainfall, humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind.
The period marked by a "bi-polar" world, in which power was divided between Capitalist U.S. and Communist Russia.
What is the Cold War?
The economic system characterized by the private ownership of the means of production and driven by the profit motive.
What is Capitalism?
A shared set of meanings that are lived through the material and symbolic practices of everyday life
What is culture?
The difference between absolute and relative location.
What is absolute location refers to a dot on the globe and is measured in latitude and longitude, while relative location refers to a location in relation to another (near, in, next to, etc.)
The location and characteristics of a tropical climate zone.
What is near or on the equator, characterized by hot temperatures, high humidity, heavy rainfall and no dry season.
The two developments which allowed human populations to create the first cities.
What is agriculture and the domestication of animals.
The value of all goods and services produced by a country in one year, divided by its population.
What is GDP per capita?
The fastest growing religion in the world.
What is Islam?
The theme which is subdivided into human characteristics (architecture, art, religion, language, etc.) and physical characteristics (landforms, climate, etc.)
What is Place?
The Coriolis Effect
What is an effect caused by the rotation of the Earth which causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
A motive for Europe's direct colonization of countries in Africa and Asia.
What is the exploitation of natural resources for use in the Industrial Revolution back in Europe?
The meaning of the phrase, "Rise of the Rest."
What is the economic growth of developing countries, such as China, Brazil, India and Russia, to where they are economically as powerful as the U.S.
Two examples of a supranational organization.
What is the European Union and the United Nations (also NAFTA, WTO, etc.)
The definition of region.
What is an area that has unifying characteristics that give it a measure of cohesiveness that sets it apart from other areas.
The Winter Solstice
What is Dec. 21st, when the sun shines most directly on the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere, which causes winter (shorter days and longer nights) in the Northern Hemisphere.
This has allowed for the quick and easy spread of information and allowed for even greater globalization.
What is the Information Age?
The economic sector which is characterized by the exchange of goods and services.
What is Tertiary?
The effect of globalization and the trend toward official languages.
What are endangered indigenous languages?
Four ways in which humans modify their environment.
What is agriculture, mining, energy development, building/construction, pollution, etc.
A Hadley Cell
What is the vertical circulation of air from the equator to the tropics back to the equator.
The Industrial Revolution, which allowed man to move past his physical limits and use machines, began here.
What is England?
Four of the ten characteristics of a developed country.
What are people are well off; people live long lives; people are well educated; population grows slowly; most people live in cities; few people work in agriculture; most people work in tertiary/quaternary sectors; energy consumption is high; technology development is high; people have control over their environment
The two ways major ways that religion spreads.
What are conversion/missionizing and diaspora/emigration?