The one important factor of learning?
How is God's Revelation full and complete?
What took place from the beginning of time?
God's Revelation
Bible means?
How do we get to know about ourselves, our world, and God?
Natural Gifts
Who is the creator of the universe?
Three persons in one God?
Blessed Trinity
Who is the author of the bible?
God and many human authors.
The Bible is broken into two parts called?
How many books are there in the Bible?
This ability is a gift that all humans have?
How has God made himself known?
Over a long period of time
God's Revelation of himself has been handed on through?
Bible and Tradition
Who handed on the traditions and scripture of the Church?
How does God make himself known to us?
Divine Revelation
By discovering more about the universe, we get to know more about?
God's knowledge and wisdom
By revealing himself, God answered all sorts of questions that human beings ask but what?
Can not answer.
The revelation of the Good news of Jesus Christ as lived out in the Church, past, and present?
Type of writing used to get a message across?
Literary form
Special guidance that the Holy Spirit gave to human writers of the Bible?
Divine Inspiration
How can we learn about what God is like?
Who we are
How we think
How we behave
What we hope
How has God made himself known to us?
Through his mighty deeds and interactions with his people.
What does tradition include?
Creeds, statements of Christian beliefs, teachings and documents of the Church, and the Church's worship.
The old testament is written in what languages?
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
In the Old Testament we learn about?
God's relationship with his people from Isreal.