Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Elections/Political Parties

The Legislative Branch ______s the laws



The Executive Branch is responsible to _________ the laws



The Judicial Branch is in charge of __________ the laws

interpreting and applying


What does Bias mean?

Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.


How is the PM elected?

By being the leader of the Political Party that has the most seats in the House of Commons


What is the third step in the process of creating a law?

Committee stage


What are the main aspects of the Governor General's job?

To represent the Queen and to give Royal Assent


What does it mean to "interpret" laws?

Laws are written generally so they can apply to multiple situations, on the other hand every case has its own nuances and specific details that need to be taken into consideration - therefore Judges must use their discretion when applying laws


What is the Age of Information and what is the problem with it (in terms of politics)?

The Age of Information refers to how individuals have access to a seemingly unlimited amount of information which can be overwhelming and lead to a lot of MISinformation

How often do federal elections happen in Canada?

At least every 5 years OR when the ruling political party calls for a new election


Who in Parliament is voted in and who are appointed?

Members of Parliament are voted in, Senators are appointed


Name 4 Cabinet Minister Portfolios

Agriculture, Defense, Finance, Fisheries, Canadian Heritage, Democratic Reform, International Trade, Foreign Affairs, Labour, Transport, Citizenship and Immigration, Natural Resources, Health, Environment, etc.


What is Jury Duty?

When Canadian Citizens are randomly chosen to act as one of 12 jurors - the jurors job is to decide the whether the person/people on trial are guilty or not guilty based off of evidence presented


Give an example of how a specific issue can be covered by a news channel in a bias way?



What is a constituency/riding?

The specific area that each Member of Parliament represents/is voted in by


What is the main role of the Senate?

To provide a "Second Sober Thought" to decisions made in the HOC


What is the difference between Head of State and Head of Government? List both.

Head of state is the Queen, more of a figurehead. Head of government is the Prime Minister, who is elected by being the leader of the current political party in power, which is Justin Trudeau


What do groups like the Elizabeth Fry Society and John Howard Society do and why are they needed?

They try to fill in the gaps left by the government in terms of imprisonment and the court system in general


What is a lobbyist and what do they do?

Lobbyists are groups of people who try to influence the government on behalf of citizens/specific groups


Senator seats are assigned on a ________ basis



What does bicameral legislature mean and what groups are under the bicameral legislature?

It means that that are two parts to Parliament which are: Senate and House of Commons

What 4 groups are under the Executive Branch?

Prime Minister, PMs' office, Cabinet, Governor General


The three courts under the Supreme Court are:

Federal, provincial, tax


How do Lobbyists influence the government according to your textbook and according to the real life examples provided in class?

Textbook: petitions, rallies, meetings

In Class: money $$


Name all 4 main political parties and where they are on the spectrum (left/right/centre)

Liberals: Centre

NDP: Left

Conservatives: Left

Green: Left