What color is Simon's hair?
How did the boys get to the Island?
A plane crash.
Who carries a knife?
Who is the Author of the story?
William Golding
Chain of rocks at or near the surface of the water.
Who is the secretive, mysterious-looking boy.
What is happening in England during this story?
A war.
Who faints in the sand?
What was William Goldings childhood like?
He was raised by progressive parents who were often activist.
A shell used as a trumpet.
How do we know that Jack is power hungry?
He argues when the boys elect ralph as leader because he wants to be the leader.
What is the "scar?"
The indentation left on the island from the plane crash.
What war did William Golding fight in as a Navy Solider?
World War 2
Third Person Omniscient
The Narrator knows all the thoughts and actions of all characters.
What does Piggy having asthma mean about his character.
It means he can not do physical activities, and this creates a divide between him and the other characters.
Why do the boys choose Ralph as the leader?
Because he calls all the boys together using the conch.
How does Ralph call assembly?
By blowing the conch.
How did William Goldings time teaching inspire him to write Lord of the Flies?
He worked at an all-boy school where he often saw the boys being unruly especially when adult guidance and rules were not put into place.
Asthma is a chronic respiration disease. Usually brought on by allergies or extensive physical activity.
A young male character with asthma tells Ralph that he used to be bullied and that other kids used to call him Piggy. Ralph reacts to this by laughing and immediately calling the character Piggy. What does this tell us about Ralph's character?
He is a young boy who does not think about how his actions may make others feel.
Give an example of foreshadowing.
When they find the conch shell and Piggy immediately recognizes its value and importance.
The Boys remove their clothing.
Piggy's reliance on his glasses, lack of social stability among the boys, and his understanding of wanting to do things like the grown-ups
Who is elected leader?
How did William Golding's experience as a Navy Soldier affect his point of view?
He saw people as innately evil.
A great luster or brightness