A state of high-level health is known as this.
A behavior that is repeated so often it almost becomes automatic.
According to the slides, this is the leading cause of death of young people.
Motor-Vehicle Injuries (Car Accidents)
Someone who buys products or services for personal use.
Jimmy used this to escape after he robbed the bank.
A Canoe
A term for the number of years that a person can be expected to live.
Life Expectancy
This kind of environment includes all of the people you spend your time with.
Social Environment
The standards and beliefs that are most important to you.
The selling of useless medical treatments
The dangerous outdoor game that Mr. Hannan used to play during the 4th of July.
Lawn Darts
The three aspects of overall health. (Health Triangle)
Social, Physical, Mental/Emotional
This system includes the medical services provided by doctors, nurses, dentists, and therapists.
Taking action to avoid disease, injury, & other negative health outcomes.
The public promotion of a product or service.
The athlete from Glacier Peak who drowned played this sport.
The two factors that can be used to evaluate overall health.
Life Expectancy & Quality of Life
The beliefs and patterns of behavior shared by a group of people, passed on though the generations.
The ability to gather, understand, and use health information.
Health Literacy
An offer to replace or repair an item is there is a problem.
The football player from Glacier Peak had this go through his eye when he jumped off of the bridge.
A Tree Branch
Your personal choices affect your position on this.
The Health Continuum
The process of traits being passed along biologically from a parent to a child.
A series of specific steps you can take to achieve a goal.
Action Plan
An illegal act that involves telling lies to obtain money or property.
The name of the add that Pepsi-Cola used to sell more sodas than Coke.
The Pepsi Challenge