Compare/Order Numbers
Place Value
Round to the place value of the underlined digit: 862,840 (underline 6)
What is 860,000
Compare. Write < , > , or =. 258,766 ___ 258,596
What is 258,766 > 258,596
A post office sold a total of 23,041 stamps last month. What is the value of the digit 2 in 23,041?
What is 20,000
2,717 + 222 =
What is 2,939
What is 172
When rounded to the nearest hundred, I become 500. What numbers could I be?
What is any number between 450 and 549.
Order from least to greatest: 52,702 ; 54,025 ; 5,206
What is 5,206 ; 52,702 ; 54,025
The tollbooth records show that 105,076 cars passed through the toll plaza on Saturday. What is the expanded form of 105,076?
What is 100,000 + 5,000 + 70 + 6
A car wash cleaned 97,612 cars in 2010 and 121,048 cars in 2011. What is the TOTAL number of cars washed in 2010 and 2011?
What is 218,660
A desktop computer that Ryan likes costs $1,275. A laptop model of the same computer costs $1,648. How much MORE does the laptop cost?
What is $373.00
Francisco is placing an order for bookplates so he can label the library books. There are 47,482 books that need labels. What is 47,482 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
What is 50,000.
Order from greatest to least: 303,962 ; 330,820 ; 329,854
What is 330,820 ; 329,854 ; 303,962
The attendance at a rock concert was 79,408 people. What is the value of the digit 4 in 79,408?
What is 400
The surface area of Lake Superior is 31,700 square miles. The surface area of Lake Michigan is 22,278 square miles. What is the total surface area of both lakes?
What is 53,978 square miles
There are 135,663 kilometers of U.S coastline that border the Pacific Ocean. There are 111,866 kilometers of the U.S coastline that border the Atlantic Ocean. How many more kilometers of U.S coastline border the Pacific Ocean?
What is 23,797 kilometers.
A DVD rental business has 12,468 different movies. What is 12,468 rounded to the nearest thousand?
What is 12,000
Which of the following lists of numbers is in order from greatest to least? A. 60,343 ; 60,433 ; 63,043 B. 83,673 ; 86,733 ; 86,373 C. 90,543 ; 90,048 ; 93,405 D. 20,433 ; 20,343 ; 20,043
What is D. 20,433 ; 20,343 ; 20,043
Hal forgot the number of people at the basketball game. He does remember that the number had a 3 in the tens place. Which number could Hal be thinking of? A. 7,321 B. 3,172 C. 2,713 D. 1,237
What is D. 1,237
738,901 + ? = 901,290
What is 162,389?
What is 384,304
To the nearest ten thousand, the population of Vermont was estimated to be about 620,000 in 2008. Which might have been the exact population of Vermont in 2008? A. 626,013 B. 621,270 C. 614,995 D. 609,964
What is B. 621,270
At the yearly fund-raising drive, the nonprofit company's goal was to raise $55,500 each day. After three days, it had raised $55,053 ; $56,482 ; and $55,593. Which amount was less than the daily goal?
What is $55,053
Compare the values of the underlined Digits: 6,300 (underline 3) and 530 (underline 3) The value of 3 in ______ is ____ times the value of 3 in _______ .
What is The value of 3 in 6,300 is 10 times the value of 3 in 530 .

Germany is the seventh largest European country and is slightly smaller by area than Montana. Germany has a land area of 134,835 square miles and a water area of 3,011 square miles. What is the total area of Germany?

What is 137,846 square miles

This year, a farm planted 400,000 corn stalks. Last year, the farm planted 275,650 corn stalks. How many more corn stalks did the farm plant this year than last year?
What is 124,350