Thinking Like a Scientist
Scientific Inquiry
Why Study Science?
Careers in Science
The 5 main skills a scientist uses.
What are observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, and making models?
Define scientific inquiry
The ways that scientists study the natural world and develop explanations based on the evidence they gather.
How might knowing science help you shop for a bicycle?
It can help determine the best material and model of a bicycle to use.
What are the 3 main branches of science?
Earth/Space , Physical, and Life
What would be the best way to determine which brand of paper towels is stronger when wet?
A. comparing commercials B. tearing different types of paper towels when they are wet to see what feels strongest C. comparing how much weight each brand can hold when wet D. conduct a survey
The two types of observation.
What are quantitative and qualitative?
Name the two types of variables and explain what they are.
Manipulated variable is the variable changed on purpose. Responding variable is the variable that can change in response to the manipulated variable.
Name two ways understanding science can help you answer the questions "How can I stay Healthy"
nutrition information exercise information evaluate products understand sickness and disease
What is studied in earth/space science
oceans, atmosphere, weather, planets, landforms, and stars
Which of the following habits of mind do good scientists possess?
A. curiosity about the natural world B. open-mindedness about their findings and the findings of others C. honesty in reporting observations and results D. all of the above
When you make a forecast of what will happen based on in the future based on what happened in the past.
What is predicting?
What is the difference between a theory and a law?
A law describes an observed pattern in nature while a theory attempts to explain patterns.
How can science help you become an informed citizen?
understanding scientific issues participating in conversations with friends having an informed opinion
What is studied in physical science?
force, energy, motion, light, sound, electricity, magnetism
Which of the following is an example of a model?
a. a map of a bird's migration route b. a computer diagram of a new car design c. an architect's drawing of a new mall d. all of the above
Creating representations of complex objects or processes.
What is making models?
What is a hypothesis?
A statement that attempts to explain a set of observations.
How can science help you decide how to use Earth's resources
It can help us identify Earth's resources and the most effective way to use them
what is studied in life science?
all living things and how they interact with each other
What is the difference between inferring and predicting?
inferences explain what is happening or has happened predictions are forecasts of what will happen
5 important attitudes for a scientist to possess.
What are honesty, curiosity, open-mindedness, skepticism and creativity?
Name the steps in the scientific inquiry process.
1. Pose a question 2. Form a hypothesis 3. Define variables and any operational definitions 4. Design a controlled experiment 5. Collect and Interpret Data 6. Draw Conclusions 7. Ask any other questions that arise after the experiment
Define scientific literacy
Understanding basic science terms and principles well enough that you can evaluate information, make decisions, and take part in public affairs.
Name 3 careers that use science
chef, dj, firefighter, artists, sound/light technician, teachers, pilots, etc
What is data?
Data are the facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations