Roman Empire I
Roman Empire II
Roman Empire III
Roman Empire IV
Roman Empire V
What protected the borders of the Roman Empire
What is soldiers
What major event led to the fall of Rome in 476 C.E.
What is Germanic tribes overthrew the last emperor

How did Rome finance its large armies?

Through taxes.

What form of transportation was most likely used to carry trade goods near and around the Roman empire. Explain your answer
What is ship (boat or water). The Roman empire was surrounded by water.
Identify two reasons why it was easier to ship and trade goods on water for Romans?
What is Rome was surrounded by water and trading and shipping on land was to dangerous.
When one emperor was removed from the throne or passed away which method was used to choose a new Roman emperor
What is fighting or chosen among private armies
What type of Roman sculpture inspired some American artists?
What is lifelike statues of famous people
Which languages are most closely related to Latin?
What is French and Spanish
The idea of Roman law and justice live on in what American documents?
What is the Constitution and Declaration of Independence
Was Byzantium in the Eastern or Western part of the Roman empire and describe why the location of the city was good geographically.
What is eastern part and it was located on the Black Sea coastline.
Identify one way reason why the Roman empire was difficulty to defend as it grew
What is large & long borders and/or slow communication
Which term describes Roman artwork made from small pieces of t ile, glass, or colored stone?
What is mosaic
How did the Latin language influences modern English?
What is prefixes and roots
Identify and explain one major geographical difference of the Roman empire between 200 C.E. and 500 C.E.. Was this a positive or negative change?Why?
What is the land mass significantly reduced. Answers will vary
What numbering system do Americans use from the Romans
What is Roman numerals
Study the timeline 200 C.E. - Height of Roman Empire 330 C.E. - ____________________ 410 C.E. - Germanic tribe attacks city of Rome 476 C.E. - Fall of Rome in the west Which event belongs on the blank line?
What is the Roman capital moves to Byzantium
Americans stole what architectural design(s) from the Romans?
What is arches, columns, or domes
Stoics valued what character trait the most?
What is courage, self-control, or intelligence (any is acceptable)
The Byzantine Empire included land in what two continents?
What is Asia & Europe
Long Island. 

What is the place Mr. Harris grew up?

Whose actions reduced the importance of the city of Rome within the Roman empire...and he brought Christianity to the empire
Who is Constantine

Who was Rome's first emperor? 

Rome's first emperor, Caesar Augustus.

Which feature of American democracy comes from the Romans
What is citizens have certain rights and responsibilities
What mountains lie between the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire?
What is the Carpathian Mountains

What happens the second time you are found to be chewing gum in school?

What is spending lunch scraping gum from the schoolgrounds.