5 Themes Burgers + Fries
Moving and Grooving (Relocation vs Expansion)
Match Me!!! Choose Me!!!
Where am I?
Maps n' Regions. Which am I?

A geographer notes that 90% of retirees (retired workers age 65+) are moving to Tallahassee, Florida and wants to understand why.  By locating the city to study, she has determined which theme of geography?

What is Place?


The architecture of American buildings in the 13 colonies was first developed by British culture.  When there was a large group of British migrants to the U.S. in the 1700s, the style of building became popular in the Northeast United States.

What is relocation diffusion?


A place from which an innovation originates.

1. What is Hearth?


Mr. McCurley is in a city located at (43* N, and 117 * W) 

What is Boise, Idaho?


Which region is where MOST people who live there share in one or more distinctive characteristics, like a state or a country?

The three types of regions: Formal, Functional, Vernacular

What is a Formal Region?


 She determines that the average distance between the hometown of these retired people and Tallahassee, Florida is 180 miles. The Theme is:

What is Space?


When the Mongol Empire was at its peak, it was spread throughout much of Asia.  Many Mongol traditions and laws were brought to these lands, with the central part of the culture remaining in Karakorum. Which diffusion is this?

Expansion Diffusion


The process of spread of a feature or trend from one place to another over time.

What is diffusion?


Mr. McCurley is in a city located at (46 * N, and 93 * W)

What is Minneapolis, Minnesota?


Which region consists of people’s IDEAS about their cultural identity, but not always specifically found on a map?

What is Vernacular Region?


 When studying Tallahassee, Florida, she notes it is a capital city in the Southeast area of the United States, and determines that area has a lot of appeal to old retirees. This theme is:

What is Region?


 A new style of skirt was developed by a small clothing creator in Miami .  Thanks to Instagram and TikTok, the hairstyle spreads through the U.S. and becomes known as the Miami Skirt Skirt.

What is expansion diffusion?


System used to transfer locations from earth's surface to a flat map.

What is projection?


Mr. McCurley is in a city located at (32 * N, 98 * W)?

What is Dallas, Texas?


 Which region is centered around a focal point that allows that area to work or function, such as a CBD or a business’ delivery zone?

What is a functional region?


The geographer looks at the demographics of Tallahassee, Florida and compares them to the demographics of other capital cities in the United States and across Europe.  The theme is:

What is Scale?


People from Ethiopia emigrate to different countries and bring their spices and cooking, leading to Ethiopian restaurants becoming more popular in other cities.

what is relocation diffusion?


Use of earth's natural resources in ways that do not constrain resources' use in the future.

What is sustainability?


Mr. McCurley is in a city located at (41 * N, 111 * W)?

What is Salt Lake City, Utah?


What type of map would use the size of a territory to showcase specific geographic data (i.e.- the bigger the size the larger the population?)

What is Cartogram?


The geographer is extremely interested in what about the environment of Tallahassee attracts these retired people.  She spends a week observing people to people interactions and how much these people interact with the environment around them.  She is studying which theme of geography?

What is connections?


 French speakers migrate to other countries around the world, resulting in the French language becoming more common.

Relocation Diffusion


An arc that for the most part follows 180 degrees longitude. When crossed, the clock moves forward or backwards 24 hours.

What is international date line?


Mr. McCurley is in a city located at (43 * N, 80 * W)?

What is Detroit, Michigan?


What type of map would use shades or patterns to showcase specific geographic data (i.e.- the darker the color the higher the range of data?)

The three maps: Choropleth, Dot Distriubution, Cartogram

What is Choropleth?