Listen to and write the phone number. See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
Which is the appropriate response to what you hear? a. adiós b. ¿Cómo te llamas? c. mucho gusto d. lo siento See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
c. mucho gusto
Name an important advanced civilization in el Nuevo Mundo.
los aztecas, mayas, incas
Write the name. See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
Jimena Muñoz
You need to look at an activity in your book. La profesora dice (says): a. cierra el libro b. repite, por favor c. ve a la pizarra d. abre el libro
d. abre el libro
Cierto o Falso: Hay 45 millones de hispanohablantes (Spanish speakers) en los Estados Unidos (USA).
Listen to and write the phone number. See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
Este carro de Mercedes cuesta mucho dinero ($$$). Es _________; no es __________. a) introvertido, extrovertido b. interesante, aburrido c. caro, barato d. grande, pequeño
c. caro, barato
What percentage of the USA speaks Spanish?
14% (catorce por ciento)
Listen to and write the name. See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
Naxhiely Ruiz
Identify the classroom objects and colors (example: una mesa roja= a red desk) See Canvas Jeopardy page.
un bolígrafo verde, la tiza blanca, una mochila morada, un reloj anaranjado
Number of countries where Spanish is the official language
20 + Puerto Rico
Write the name. See Jeopardy Page on Canvas for audio file.
Xochitl Pérez (this is a name from Mexico from the Nahuatl language--this is why the first name is quite different from many Spanish names).
¿Cómo se dice en español? Today is Saturday, January 1st.
Hoy es sábado, el primero de enero
Which Spanish-speaking country is a model for renewable energy?